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人教版英语七年级下册Unit 1 国家 国家人 语言 某国的, 某国人的 America; 美国 the United States(the U.S.A) American English American Britain英国;England; the United Kingdom(the U.K.) Englishman English British France 法国 Frenchman French French Japan日本 Japanese Japanese Japanese China中国 Chinese Chinese Chinese Canada加拿大 Canadian English, French Canadian live 动词,表“居住;生存”,短语有: live on 以…为食;以…为生 Tigers live on meat. live in 住在某地 He lives in Beijing. dislike 不喜欢(=don’t/doesn’t/didn’t like)如:I dislike to go to the cinema. 重点句子 Where is he from ? = Where does he come from? He is from Japan. = He doesn’t come from Japan. Where does he live ? ----He lives in Tokyo. Please write to me soon. (write to sb. 写信给某人= write a letter to sb.) Unit 2 1、street 表“街道”,短语:on/ in the street 在街道上。 2、介词短语 ⑴ near 在…附近 ⑵ next to 紧挨着 ⑶ across from在…对面 ⑷ between ….and… 在A和B之间 ⑸ in front of 在…外面的前面 :There is a tree in front of a house. ⑹ in the front of在…里面的前面:The teacher is in the front of the classroom. ⑺ behind 在…外面的后面:The ball is behind the door. ⑻ in the back of 在…里面的后面 My friend sits in the back of the classroom. 3、through, across,over, 和past都是介词,不能单独做谓语,必须与动词连用才能做谓语。 1)through 从物体内部穿过, 如:walk through a forest. 穿过一个森林 2)past 从物体外面绕过, 如:walk past a post office 经过一个邮局 3)across 从物体表面横穿,如:go across the road 横穿马路 4)over 从物体上空越过, 如:fly over the city 飞过城市 【注意】pass(经过),cross (横穿) 都是动词,可作谓语,相当于“动词+past/across”. 如:①I pass (walk past) a post office every day. ② Don’t cross (walk across) the road. 4、straight ⑴形容词,笔直的,直的:She has straight hair. 她长着直发。 ⑵副词,直接地 Go straight down the road and then turn left. 5、turn (1)动词,拐 turn left 向左拐 (2)名词,拐弯 No left turn ! 禁止左拐弯 6、on the right 在右边, on the left 在左边 7、open (1)动词,打开 Open the door. (2)形容词,开着的 The door is open. 【注意】close 动词,关 →closed 形容词,关着的。The door is closed. 8、clean (1)动词,打扫 He is cleaning the room. (2)形容词,干净的 The room is clean. 9、Welcome to + 名词,表欢迎到某地 Welcome to China. 但Welcome back home.(home 为副词,副词可以直接修饰动词。因此,前不用介词to) 10、enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 (enjoy 后只能接动


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