八年级仁爱英语下unit6 topic2 sectiona课件ppt.ppt

八年级仁爱英语下unit6 topic2 sectiona课件ppt.ppt

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八年级仁爱英语下unit6 topic2 sectiona课件ppt

明十三陵是中国明朝皇帝的墓葬群,坐落在北京西北郊昌平区境内的燕山山麓的天寿山。总面积一百二十余平方公里,距离北京约五十公里。这里自永乐七年五月始作长陵,到明朝最后一帝崇祯葬入思陵止,其间230多年,先后修建了十三座皇帝陵墓、七座妃子墓、一座太监墓。十三座皇陵均依山而筑,分别建在东、西、北三面的山麓上,形成了体系完整、规模宏大、气势磅礴的陵寝建筑群。明代术士认为,这里是“风水”胜境,绝佳“吉壤”。因此被明朝选为营建皇陵的“万年寿域”。 十三位皇帝陵墓分别为:长陵(成祖)、献陵(仁宗)、景陵(宣宗)、裕陵(英宗)、茂陵(宪宗)、泰陵(孝宗)、康陵(武宗)、永陵(世宗)、昭陵(穆宗)、定陵(神宗)、庆陵(光宗)、德陵(熹宗)、思陵(思宗)。景区已开放景点有长陵、定陵、昭陵、神路。 * * * How about exploring the Ming Tombs? What about your holiday? Where do you want to travel? the Great Wall the Forbidden City the Summer Palace the Ming Tombs Where are these places of interest? Would you like to visit them with your friends? glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 prepare for 准备 be on vacation 在假期 would like sb. to do sth. 想某人,做某事。 look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事 make a plan to… 制定计划 Read 1a and answer the following questions. What is Darren doing? What’s Michael’s advice? What is Kangkang looking forward to doing? What does Michael ask Kangkang to help him to do? He is on vacation. He advises Darren to come to China for his vacation. He is looking forward to meeting Darren. He asks Kangkang to make a plan to explore Beijing. Read and choose the best answers. Would / Will you help me plan a trip? Could /Can you come along with us? Shall we take him there? All right. No, let’s not. b. You bet. Yes, of course. Sorry, I ’m afraid I have no time. c. Yes, I can. Yes, I’d love to. I’m sorry I can’t. ( ) ( ) ( ) b c a Make a conversation using one of dialogs above with your partner. Make sentences after the example according to the pictures,using “while” or “when”. Example: Darren was having a class while Michael was climbing a mountain. Michael was climbing a mountain while Darren was having a class. I was to play computer games while my mother was cooking My mother was cooking while I was to play computer games have/climb cook/play run/swim dance/sing Maria was running while Michael


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