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A able [eibl] adj. ;有能力的,能干的 He is the ablest student in the class. ;他是班上最有才华的 学生。 about [?baut] prep. ;关于 he is careless about his personal appearance. ;他对自己的仪表毫不 在意。 about [?baut] adv. ;大约 The fans waited for the superstar for about four hours. ;影迷们等了这个超级明星 大约四个小时。 above [?b?v] prep. ;在……上面 The waterfall is above the bridge. ;瀑布在桥的上游一侧。 accident [?ksid?nt] n. ;事故,意外的事 I had a slight accident at home and broke some crockery. ;我在家出了点儿小事,打 碎了些陶瓷。 across [?kr?s] prep. ;横过,穿过 We shall soon be across the Channel. ;我们不久即将渡过英吉利 海峡了。 activity [?ktiviti] n. ;活动 He has many activities that take up his time when hes not working. ;他有很多活动,把工作以 外的时间都占满了。 address [?dres] n. ;地址 Tell me if you change your address. ;如果你的地址改变了,请 告诉我。 afraid [?freid] adj. ;怕,害怕 Theres nothing to be afraid of. ;没有什么可怕的。 after [ɑ:ft?] prep. ;在……以后 Shut the door after you. ;随手关门。 after [ɑ:ft?] conj. ;在……以后的时间或期间 After the work was done,we sat down to sum up the experience. ;工作结束后,我们坐下来 总结经验。 afternoon [,ɑ:ft?nu:n] n. ;下午 I go swimming two afternoons a week. ;我每星期有两个下午去 游泳。 again [?ɡen, ?ɡein] adv. ;又,再 Here comes Joe,drunk again. ;乔来了,又喝醉了。 against [?ɡenst, ?ɡeinst] prep. ;对着,反对 She was married against her will. ;她结婚是有违本意的。 age [eid?] n. ;年龄 Geologists have calculated the age of the earth. ;地质学家已经计算出了地 球的年龄。 ago [?ɡ?u] adv. ;以前 I met him a few minutes ago. ;我在几分钟前碰到他了。 agree [?ɡri:] vt.vi. ;同意,赞成 I asked for a pay rise and she agreed. ;我请求加薪,她就答 应了。 air [??] n. ;天空,空气 The air today is very good. ;今天的天气真是太棒了! all [?:l] adv. ;全部的,所有的 She is often dressed all in white. ;她经常全身都穿白的。 almost [?:lm?ust]adv. ;几乎,差不多 Its a mistake they almost always make. ;那是他们几乎总要犯的 错误。 alone [?l?un] adj. ;(只作表语)单独的 Time alone will tell. ;[谚]日久自明。 along [?l??] prep. ;沿着,顺着 We went for a walk along the road after supper. ;晚饭后我们沿着公路散 步。 along [?l??] adv. ;向前 Move along, please! ;请向前走!(不要阻塞 交通) already [?:lredi] adv. ;已经 Ive already seen that film, so Id rather see another on


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