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医学口语3种表达技巧 句型转换 颊粘膜上有科氏斑。 There is Koplik’s spot in the cheek mucosa. Koplik’s spot presents in the cheek mucosa. Koplik’s spot is found in the cheek mucosa. 他应该动手术。 He has to be operated. We should operate on him. It’s going to be necessary to operate on him. 口语化 Abdomen---belly, tummy Anus---back passage Atherosclerosis---hardening of the artery Breast---top part Bladder---waterworks Bronchus---windpipe Conjunctivitis---pink eye Epilepsy---the shake Femur---thigh Heart---engine Menstruation---period Syncope---faint 感叹语与过渡语 在门诊口语与学查房时常涉及感叹词。常用的有“now, well and oh”. Now 现在我们可以开始讨论治疗问题。 Well 唔,我打算作血液检查以明确关节痛的病因。 Oh 哦,我想是的,不太严重。 常见医学行为用语 虽然临床各科业务不同,但医学行为却有共性。以共性的医学行为用语作为三维医学英语口语的第二个入口。分为以下几方面。 接待患者: What brings you to the emergency room? What’s sth bothering you? Well, how are you today? 接待患者: 你有什么不舒服? What’s sth bothering you? What do you complain of ? What hurts you? What’s your complaint (trouble)? 你为什么会来急诊室呢? What brings you to the emergency room? 你今天怎样? Well, how are you today? 你感觉不舒服吗? Are’t you feeling well? 收集病史 现病史问出血 Descriptive words 明/暗Bright/dark 棕色 咖啡色Brown, coffee grounds 新鲜/陈旧Fresh/stale 重度/轻度出血Heavy/slight loss of blood 粉红色的,水样的,粘性的Pink, watery, sticky 混有粘液的Streaky with mucus 毛细血管渗血Capillary oozing 静脉流血Venous flowing 你曾有过失血吗? Have you had any loss of blood? 你注意到有血块吗? Have you noticed any clots of blood? 血的颜色是鲜红还是暗红? Was the blood bright or dark in color? 问小便 Descriptive words 琥珀色,血红色,橘红,红棕色,草黄色 Amber, blood-streaked, orange,reddish-brown, straw-colored 清澈的,云雾状的,带斑点的 Clear, cloudy, flecked 起泡沫的,乳样,泥样,浓的 Foaming (frothy), milky, muddy, thick 透明的,浑浊的,粘性的,烟雾样 Transparent, turbid, slimy, smoky 收集病史 现病史问大便Descriptive words 黑色,陶土色,无色(淘米水样) Black, clay-like, colorless (like rice-water) 豆汤样,油灰样, Pea-soup-like, putty-like 血样,油性,漂浮的,散的 Bloody, fatty, fl


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