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第22 卷第2 期 辽宁工程技术大学学报 2003 年4 月
Vol.22 No.2 Journal of Liaoning Technical University Apr. 2003
(辽宁工程技术大学电气工程系,辽宁 阜新 123000 )
摘 要:模糊控制算法发展至今已有多种算法,对其中的几种常用算法进行分析研究,以比较各种不同算法的特点和优越性是一
项十分有意义的工作。通过仿真研究分析了Mamdani 模糊算法、具有可调因子的模糊算法以及模糊CCC 算法的性能,并解释了模
糊 CCC 算法相对于其他两种算法的优越性。还总结了量化因子和比例因子对模糊控制器的影响及因子的修改方法,并在仿真过程
关键词:Mamdani 算法;可调因子算法;模糊CCC 算法;量化因子;比例因子;MATLAB
中图号: O 159 文献标识码:A
Several fuzzy control algorithm MATLAB simulation
WU Jun-jie, WU Li-jun, GUO Si-cong
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, China)
Abstract :With the development of the fuzzy control theory, there are every fuzzy control algorithms. Studying
the common algorithms of them and comparing their traits, are of great significance. This paper studies the
capacities of Mamdani algorithm, adjustable gene algorithm and fuzzy CCC algorithm by MATLAB simulation.
And it explains the reason that fuzzy CCC algorithm is superior to the other two algorithms. This article also
summarizes the effect of the gene of quantification and the gene of proportion on the fuzzy controller and the
modification methods of the two genes, which have been applied and verified in the simulation
Key words :Mamdani algorithm;adjustable gene algorithm;fuzzy CCC algorithm;gene of quantity ;gene of
0 引 言
近半个世纪以来,自动控制理论经历了经典 能已得到人们的广泛认同。本文利用 MATLAB
控制和现代控制两个重要发展阶段。传统控制理 (5.3 版本)所提供的模糊工具箱 对 Mamdani
论的一个显著特点是单纯依靠数学解析的方法。 算法、可调因子算法以及模糊CCC 算法进行仿真