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China UK USA Before 841 B.C. 神话传说 Literature:《淮南子》、《山海经》 Before 220 B.C. (1)《论语》:(孔子,名丘,儒家创始人。) (2)《孟子》:(孟子,名轲。) (3)《荀子》:(荀子,名况) (4)《墨子》:(墨子,名翟。) (5)《老子》:(老子,名耳 。) (6)《庄子》:(庄子,名周。) (7)《韩非子》:( 韩非。) (8)《孙子》:( 孙子,名武。) (9)《吕览》:(吕不韦。) From 770 B.C. to 220 B.C. 先秦历史散文《尚书》《春秋》《国语》《战国策》 From 206 B.C. to 221 A.D. 汉代辞赋《孔雀东南飞》,《长歌行》〈离骚〉 From 506A.D. to 907 A.D. 盛唐诗歌李白中诗歌 the epic poem Beowulf 10th ~ 14th 宋词 欧阳修柳永与北宋前期词人苏轼 元代散曲 关汉卿 《西厢记》 The Legend of King Arthur and his Round Table Knights “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales 14th~16th 罗贯中和施耐庵西游记Thomas More Utopia William Shakespeare Hamlet Othello King Lear Mac Beth Christopher Marlowe Tamburlaine the Great The Tragically History of Doctor FaustusThe Jew of Malta Ben Jonson Every Man in His Humor Volpone, or the FoxThe Alchemist Francis Bacon 17th 《长生殿》 《桃花扇》 《聊斋志异》 《儒林外史》 《红楼梦》 John Milton Morning of Christ’s NativityParadise Lost John Donne John Bunyan The Pilgrim’s Progress John Dryden All for Love 18th Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe A Journal of the Plague Year Samuel Richardson Benjamin Franklin William Hill Brown The Power of Sympathy----The first American novel 19th Samuel Taylor Coleridge The Fall of the Bastille Robert Southey Joan of Arc Walter Scott Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Charles Dickens Oliver Twist A Tale of Two Cities Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights O.Henry A Service of Love) The Cop and the Anthem The Furnished Room Mark Twain Life on the Mississippi Adventures of Tom Sawyer 20th 鲁迅 《呐喊》《彷徨》,《故事新编》《狂人日记》《朝花夕拾》 老舍 《骆驼祥子》《四世同堂》(小说)《茶馆》 《龙须沟》(话剧) 徐志摩 《再别康桥》 James Joyce Ulysses T. S. Eliot The Waste Land Stephen Crane Maggie: A Girl of the Streets


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