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联络陪同口译水平考试口译考试样卷 发布时间:2010-4-13 11:40:32 浏览量:753 《上海市联络陪同口译水平认证考试》 口译模拟考试样卷及参考答案 ? Section I: Dialogue Interpreting the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese(302) A: Excuse me. Can you do me a favor? B:? 当然,先生。我能为您做点什么呢?// A: I’d like to call a taxi. I’m going downtown to do some shopping after lunch. B:? 您大概什么时候出发?单程还是往返?// A: At 12:30. A round trip, please. I have an appointment at three o’clock here. B: 那您大概会在市区呆一小时左右,是吗?// A: Yes, I suppose so. By the way, is there a supermarket nearby? B:? 有。离宾馆只有10分钟的路程。您从宾馆大门出去,右转直走,到第一个十字路口右转后再一直走,您就会看到在您左手边的大型超市。// A: OK. One more question. Where is the nearest Metro station? B:? 在超市下面就有地铁站,是地铁二号线。// A: Where is the entrance? B:? 超市门口有入口,您可以从入口处的楼梯下去。// A: How many lines are there in Shanghai? B:? 目前有3条线路:地铁1号线,地铁2号线,地铁3号线。// A: I see. Thank you for your great help. And when the taxi comes, please inform me. B:? 好的。 ? Section II: Speech Interpret the following speech from Chinese into English(275) 女士们、先生们: 请允许我就北京市的交通设施情况向大家做些介绍。// 在四十年代时,北京的公共交通靠的是四十九辆有轨电车和五辆公共汽车,行车线路只有25.6英里,即41公里。// 到了1980年,北京共有公共交通车辆三千余辆,行车线路长达940英里,即1,500公里。// 北京的第一条地铁线建于1969年,该线东西长15英里,即24公里。第二条地铁线建在旧城墙的下面。目前,北京已经有3条地铁线路了: 2条地下,1条地上。// 此外,北京还有许多出租车,部分出租车已经被更新。然而,仍有许多人更愿意骑自行车。在北京,自行车是重要的交通工具。// 北京的交通设施建设仍在完善,人们的生活一定会越来越便利。// ? Section III: Speech Interpret the following speech from English into Chinese(222) It’s our great pleasure to come here tonight. We, the Minnesota delegation, are here to seek cooperation opportunities. It seems that there is a long distance between our countries. However, our excellent transportation connections make it easier for our cooperation.? // Minnesota’s transportation network, which consists of highway, railway and waterway connections to the rest of the world, is efficient and comprehensive.// More than 12,000 miles of highway span the state, providing an excellent system for moving goods by road. Minnesota is also a major railroad center. Its rail system consists of 4 major carriers and 19 sma


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