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“No man is an island。” “没有人是一座孤岛。” Indeed, people are relationship-driven creatures. We are present in this world in order to relate to others and establish a solid community. It goes without saying that we need to communicate with each other in order to fulfill this purpose, though。 的确,人类是人际关系型的生物。我们存在于这个世界,就是为了和他人交往,并建立起一个可靠的群体。而毫无疑问,我们需要彼此交流才能实现这个目标。 It is our responsibility to engage our colleagues in a nourishing and productive conversation. Through good communication, romantic relationships, business partnerships and even product selling have all been implemented. Good communication skills are the foundation of a long-lasting relationship. How can you develop them? You can start by omitting these ten most common mistakes in a conversation from your communication bank: 我们有责任把我们的同伴吸引到一场内容丰富且富有成效的对话中来。通过好的交流,我们可以确立恋爱关系,建立商务合作,甚至可以推销产品。好的交流技巧是一段长期持久的关系的基础。那你应该如何培养这种技巧呢?我们可以首先把这10个聊天中常犯的错误清除掉。? 1. Do you speak quickly? 你的语速是否过快? Youre in a brand new situation with a person youve just met, so its understandable that you became nervous. Since you didnt have enough time to compose yourself, you blabbered and spoke too much and too fast. Because of this, the person youre talking to wasnt able to understand any word youve said。 你面对的是一个刚刚认识的人,这是一种全新的场面,所以你感觉紧张也是可以理解的。因为你没有足够的时间来组织语言,你开始喋喋不休,说话太多而且太快。这样,跟你交谈的人就没有办法理解你所说的任何一个字。 Solution: Nervousness brings about the common mistakes in a conversation, so to combat this, just breathe deeply and smile. Assume that the person youre talking to is interested in what you have to say. Put some pauses in your statements。 解决办法:紧张会让我们在聊天中常常犯错,为了克服这一点,请深呼吸,并且微笑。假设和你聊天的这个人对你所说的内容很感兴趣。在讲话当中加入一些停顿。 2. Do you ask too many questions? 你的问题是否太多? The conversation sounds like a police interrogation with you asking too many questions and your partner scrambles to answer all of them. As a result, connection is made and no relationship is built。 如果你问的问题太多,而和你聊天的人仓促作答,这种聊天听上去就好像警察在审问。结果是你们虽然在聊天,但没有建立起任何关系。 Solution: Follow this structure: 解决办法:按照这


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