城市规划与建筑设计导读 专业英语阅读_040207.pdf

城市规划与建筑设计导读 专业英语阅读_040207.pdf

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A-PDF Split DEMO : Purchase from www.A-PDF.com to remove the watermark [General Information] 书名=城市规划与建筑设计导读 专业英语阅读 作者= 页数=188 SS号=0 出版日期= 封面页 书名页 版权页 前言页 目录页 SECTION ONE:URBAN PLANNIN G AND DESIGN Chapter One:Evolution and Trends Article:The Evolu tion of Modern Urban Plan ning Further Reading(1 ):The Definition of Moder n Urban Planning Further Reading(2 ):Trends in Modern Urban Planning of US Chapter Two:Hierarchy of Plans Article:Hierarchy of Plans in UK Further Reading(1 ):Comprehensive Plan,Prec ise Plan and Zoning Further Reading(2 ):Hierarchy of Plans in H ong Kong Chapter Three:the The ories of Urban Developmen t Article:World-cla ss City Further Reading(1 ):New International Divis ion of the Labor(NIDL) Further Reading(2 ):Gentrification and Subu rban Sprawl Chapter Four:Garden C ity vs.Urban Village & Ne w Urbanism Article:Garden Ci ty Further Reading(1 ):Urban Village Further Reading(2 ):New Urbanism Chapter Five:Agenda 2 1 and Sustainable Develop ment Article:Agenda 21 and the Origin of Sustai nable Development Further Reading(1 ):The Many Uses,Definitio ns and Domains of Sustai nability Further Reading(2 ):Smart Growth Chapter Six:Environme ntal Impact Assessment(EI A) Article:The Conce pt and Process of Environ mental Impact Assessment( EIA) Further Reading(1 ):The EA(Environmental As sessment)Process in Canad a Further Reading(2 ):Policies for Creating E


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