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T h e aPP liea tion researC h of custom errela tion sh iP m ana gem en t(C R 人度) inrea lestate develoPm ent enter p行se
2 ,C om b in ed w ith the cu rren t ch araeteri sties o f the real estate in du stry ,C R M
im P lem en tati o n o f the P resen t sitUatio n an d ex istin g P rob lem s in thi s P art icu lar
ag ain st the rea l estate in du stry an d the im P lem en tation o f sP ecialP ro du cts,sy stem s
an d m e th o d s C R 玉江,C R M sum m in g uP the im P lem en tati o n P ro e e ss 15 curr en tly
su sc eP tib le to th e P ro b lem , suunn ed uP C R 五江 to P rom o te the su ee e ssfu l
im P lem en tati o n o f the st即 s,m eht o d s,k e y facto rs,th e ev a lu ati o n sy stem .
T h is artic le 15 for o ther sch o lars in the C R M sy stem o f co n ceP ts an d theo r ie s
o n the b a sis o f the rev iew o f the larg e st rea l e state d ev e lo P m en t in C h en g du lo e a l
bu sin ess e R M Sy st而 into 伍e process,an d w i伍 the :elevant ex ch ange an d
com m u n ic ati o n ,th e gro om in g sy stem an d sy stem atic summ ary o f an d for re a l
e state en terpr ises w ith a certani id ea o f the v alu e o f inn o v ati o n ,the 15 0 9 0 0 0
qu a lity sy stem m o d el an d the im P lem en tati o n o f C R 玉江 system 汕 P lan ted in the
o rg an ic in tegrati o n o f the m etho d ,form in g a e lo sed lo o P ,to P rom o te effe ctiv e
im P lem en tatio n o f C R M .Th e m a in form ati o n o f th e follow in g P o in ts :
A ,C R M oP erati n g the en tepr r ise lev e l 15 th e eo n eeP t o f in n o v atio n ,b u sin e ss
m o d e l ch an g e s,m an a g em en t ch an g e s,th e n ee d for fu ll u n d erstan d in g o f b u sin
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