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谋学网 ( 单选题 ) 1: The special food,_____good, was soon sold out when it was taken to the market. A: tasted B: being tasted C: tasting. D: having tasted ( 单选题 ) 2: It is unreasonable for him to______ the promotion of his younger but more competent colleague to a rank above him. A: consent B: resent C: approve D: punish ( 单选题 ) 3: Every month he tries to_____a few dollars of his salary in order to buy a new TV set. A: set about. B: set aside. C: set back. D: set up. ( 单选题 ) 4: _____in thought completely, he didn ’t even know what was going on. A: Losing. B: Lost. C: Having lost. D: Having been lost. ( 单选题 ) 5: We all know that_____speak louder than words. A: movements. B: performances. C: affection. D: actions. ( 单选题 ) 6: _____it with me should be a good choice. Trust me. A: When left. 谋学网 B: Leaving. C: If you leave. D: Leave. ( 单选题 ) 7: It was the man_____had been in prison_____stole the money. A: who, where. B: that, how. C: who, that. D: that, which. ( 单选题 ) 8: Mary learned Chinese for about two years, _____ is, from 1993 to 1995. A: this B: that C: it D: he ( 单选题 ) 9: Mr. Green is said_____an experiment to prove the new method of solving the problem when young. A: to do. B: to have done. C: to be doing. D: to have been doing. ( 单选题 ) 10: Before the war broke out, many people_____in safe places possessions they could not take with them. A: throw away. B: put away. C: gave away. D: carried away. ( 单选题 ) 11: After the tsunami, the injured were cared _____ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals of neighboring cities. A: of. B: for. C: after. 谋学网 D: with. ( 单选题 ) 12: After several interviews, Mike eventually_____to get a jo## A: managed B: attain


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