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“吉林市名优教师示范引领研训活动” 教学设计 教师:张 明 学科:英 语 课题: My Family 二〇一七年十二月八日 英语故事情境式课堂教学模式教学设计 时间 学法及学生 课 题 My Family 授课时间 Dec. 8, 2017 教 学 流 程 及 主 要 内 容 教法及教师活动 安排 活动 授课班级 Class 2, Grade 15 授课类型 reading comprehension electronic blackboard; 教具准备 出席人数 32 teaching and learning materials to understand the passageclearly and master new words and 知识目标 expressions about family to enable the students to understandand catch details in the text 能力目标 to use the important language points correctly describing 教学目标 family members in English to learn from Shao Wenqian 情感目标 to know what is family and filial piety is the most important of all virtues 重 点 to read and understand the text as soon as possible to describe family members correctly in English by using 教学分析 难 点 useful words and expressions to stir the students’ interest in learning by story\situation and 关 键 tasks 课堂教学模式 Story Situation Teaching 课前热身、集中注意 ……… Create Atmosphere ( 2) 情境导课、激发兴趣 ……… New Topic ( 4) 寓教于乐、扫清障碍 ……… Key W


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