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创建软件名城 打造东方硅谷 中国无锡 Develop a famous software city into the eastern Silicon Valley Wuxi,China 无锡市信息化和无线电管理局 Wuxi Information and radio administration 联系电话: 0086 51081821798 传真号码: 0086 510电子邮箱: WXRJC@126.COM ZM9702@163.COM Telephone: 0086 51081821798 Fax: 0086 510Email: WXRJC@126.COM ZM9702@163.COM 城市目标: City’s goal: 建设生态城,高科技产业城、旅游与现代服务城、宜居城。 Build an ecological and livable city with high technology industry, tour and modern service. 城市概览: City’s overview: 三千年前商末泰伯奔吴,把黄河文化带入无锡,使长江文化和黄河文化有机融合,而成为吴文化、江南文化的重要发源地;是中国近代民族工商业的摇篮,是中国微电子产业的摇篮,国家微电子产业南方基地, Three thousand years ago, in the late Shang Dynasty, Tai Bo, the eldest son of emperor Zhouwu in the West Zhou Dynasty, ran to Wu Area, and brought Yellow River culture to Wuxi. This enables the organic integration of Yangtze River culture and Yellow River culture. Thus Wuxi turned into an important cradleland of Wu and Jiangnan culture. Wuxi is also the cradle of Chinese national industry and commerce in modern times, the source of Chinese micro-electronics and the industrial base in southern China. 无锡以占中国0.5‰的土地、4.4‰的人口,创造了中国1.45%的GDP。拥有近1300家外资企业家和25家国际研发中心、金融机构的地区总部,世界500强中已有75家在无锡落户。 Wuxi produces 1.45% GDP of whole China with only 0.5‰ land and 4.4‰ population of that. There are about 1,300 foreign found enterprises, 25 regional headquarters of international RD centers and financial organizations. 75 of the world’s top 500 enterprises already settled down in Wuxi. 行政区划: Administration Region: 城市面积4788平方公里,人口637万人,下辖2市(江阴、宜兴)、7区(锡山、惠山、滨湖、新区、崇安、南长、北塘) Within the 4,788 square kilometers land area, there are 6.37 million people living in 2 county-level cities (Jiang Yin and Yi Xing) and 7 districts (Xishan, Huishan, Binhu, New District, Chong’an, Nanchang, Beitang) 地理交通: Geography and Transportation: 无锡位于中国经济最发达的长江三角洲中心地带,是区域性交通枢纽,距上海、南京各约1.5小时和2小时车程,南濒太湖,北依长江,境内有35公里的长江黄金水道岸线。是中国华东地区连接南北、沟通东西的区域性交通枢纽城市。公路、铁路、水运、航空网络纵横交错.四通八达。已开通了包括日本东京、大阪、泰国曼谷、台


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