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Introduction Kbar nuclei studied with AMD Hamiltonian in AMD calculation FINUDA group Simple Correlated Model Simple Correlated Model Hamiltonian * K原子核の研究において必要なこと KEK 土手昭伸 理研RIBFミニワークショップ 「不安定核?ストレンジハドロン原子核の合同理論研究会 ─── 軽いエキゾチック系の構造を中心として ───」         2007年7月17日 理化学研究所仁科ホール イントロダクション AMDによるK原子核の研究のまとめ            (赤石さん、山崎さんとの共同研究) 最近の研究 (ppK)            (W.Weise氏との共同研究) 他の原子核研究との繋がり まとめ What are kaonic nuclei (K nuclei)? K- meson is bound in a nucleus by strong interaction. cf) Kaonic atom K- meson is around a nucleus, bound by Coulomb interaction. K nuclei can exist as discrete states, since K- meson is deeply bound below Σπ threshold. KNNN… ΣπNN… K nuclear state K nuclear state Deeply bound; Binding energy of K- 100 MeV Discrete state; Below Σπ threshold Very attractive I=0 KN interaction makes … ... Deeply bound kaonic nuclei free KN scattering data 1s level shift of kaonic hydrogen atom binding energy and width of Λ(1405) Phenomenological KN potential (Akaishi-Yamazaki KN potential) Strongly attractive. Y. Akaishi and T. Yamazaki, PRC 52 (2002) 044005 = K- + proton Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics(AMD) Fully microscopic treatment No assumption on nuclear structure; cluster, deformation … System self-organizes only following energy variation. p n Normal nucleus p n K- normal nucleus ? ?? ? ? ?? ? Kaonic nucleus What kind of structure does A+1 system favor? From Tensor force to KN interaction In the study of tensor force, n Extension 2: Flexibility of isospin wave function + Charge-number projection The same technique can be applied to the study of K nuclei. Systematic study of K nuclei became possible. p n p In the study of Kbar nuclei, + Charge projection of total wave function Single nucleon/kaon wave function Wave function Total wave function Nucleon’s wave function p-n mixing Anti-kaon’s wave function mixing Charge projection as a trial function Essence of mixing : effective NN int.          Tamagaki potenti


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