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例pp136 Pay-Bill Calculations: A manufacturing company has classified its executives into four levels for the benefit of certain perks. The levels and corresponding perks are shown below: Perks Level ------------------------------------------------------------------ Conveyance Entertainment allowance allowance 1 1000 500 2 750 200 3 500 100 4 250 ---- An executive’s gross salary includes basic pay, house rent allowance at 25% of basic pay and other perks. Income tax is withheld from the salary on a percentage basis as follows: Gross salary Tax rate Gross=2000 No tax deduction 2000Gross=4000 3% 4000Gross=5000 5% Gross5000 8% Write a program that will read an executive’s job number, level number, and basic pay and then computer the net salary after withholding income tax. The problem is detailed in the program. “温故”逗号运算符 p154 下面这个例子既是循环语句的应用,也比较充分体现计算机的强大的逻辑运算能力—— 例 有红、黄、兰、白、紫色的珠子分别放在5个包里。 甲说:第二个包是紫色珠子,第四个包是黄色珠子. 乙说:第一个包是红色珠子,第五个包是白色珠子. 丙说:第三个包是白色珠子,第四个包是兰色珠子. 丁说:第二个包是黄色珠子,第五个包是紫色珠子. 每个人都说对一句,说错一句.各个包里的珠子分别是什么颜色的?编制求解程序. * * 4.4 循环 概述 C语言可实现循环的语句: 用goto 和 if 构成循环 while 语句 do ~ while 语句 for 语句 goto语句一般格式 p132-转移作用 goto 语句标号; ….….. 标号:语句; 标号:语句; ….….. goto 语句标号; 不能用整数作标号 只能出现在goto所在函数内,且唯一 只能加在可执行语句前面 限制使用goto语句 例 用if 和goto语句构成循环,求1+2+…+100 /*loop using goto statement*/ #include stdio.h main() {


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