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By Samia M. Siha and Douglas N. Hales
Peer reviewed
Samia M. Siha ssiha@ is an Associate Professor of Decision
Sciences, Kennesaw State University. Douglas. N. Hales dhales@ is an
Assistant Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Rhode Island.
This case deals with several operations issues, such as standard time, corporate
values/ethics vs. personal values/ethics, and effective performance measures.
Joan Welch is an operator who works for a telecommunication company. She
spends much of her time on the phone answering customers’ questions and responding
to their concerns. Her average time spent on the phone with her customers is above the
“standard time.” Unlike her, other operators cut customers short, or even hang up in
order to keep the length of the call at or below the standard time. Joan was fired for low
performance and her story became a hot topic for the media. Teaching notes follow the
No Time to Talk!
As Joan Welch hung up the phone, she sighed, but a little smile showed on her
face. She had been talking with an elderly lady for about 45 minutes. The elderly
woman was quite slow and couldn’t hear well, and Joan had to repeat the information
more than once. Moreover, the elderly woman had asked about a certain sales
promotion that Joan had to go through several screens to find.
Joan was a customer service associate for “WE LOVE TO TALK” (WLTT)
Telephone Company. She had been known among her peers as a patient and
compassionate person. She had been raised by her grandmother, who was now 88
years old, and
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