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Teaching objectives A warmer Task cycle Task demonstration / instruction Doing the task Preparing and giving a report Language focus Follow-up activities check points 2)Some tourists shopping in China need your help with these prices. About how much does each thing cost in the different dollars? 3) Why do people usually go to the hospital ? 6. 创造性任务(Creative tasks) 创造性任务指任务具有探索性、开放性和实践性。 1) 结合“I‘m going to be a basketball player ”这一话题,让学生当记者采访小组成员 ,做现场报道,讲述同学的理想。 2) 就 “a healthy lifestyle”这一话题进行辩论赛. Group work skills Group work management: A group leader A work recorder A speaker or reporter Rules for group work Group work should be used in all subjects rather in ELT only Benefit of group work 四.新目标英语八年级上册任务设计建议 Unit 1? How often do you exercise? 话题 Free time activities 任务设计参考: 1. 探讨怎样才是一个健康而又积极向上的生活方式: 2. 探讨饮食与健康的关系 3. 学习与探讨成功人士在生活和饮食方面给与人们的启发(创造性任务) Unit 2? Whats the matter? 话题 Health 任务设计参考 : 1. 探讨怎样才能使自己保持健康 2. 投医问药:学生人手两张小纸片。请他们在一张纸上写出一种疾病的名称、并在另一张纸上写出治病的办法(药方)。然后交给教师。 * * ?任务型教学在初中英语课堂教学中的应用 教育的目的是什么 赫伯特·斯宾塞 :为完满生活做准备 薛涌 :教育的目的是培养合格的公民 安吉儿 :教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。 (The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.——James Angel) 教育之于灵魂,犹如雕刻之于大理石。——爱迪生 What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul. ——Joseph Addison 一个教师对人的影响是永恒的。——亚当斯 A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ——Henry Adams 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。 The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. 教师力量的全部秘密,就在于深信人是可以改变的。 The whole secret of the teachers force lies in the conviction that men are convertible. 一个好教师具有化腐朽为神奇的力量。 One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen. 教育儿童的教师应当享有比父母更多的荣誉,父母只给孩子生命,而教师则创造了一个完善的生命。 Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life. 英语教学质量


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