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某生物制药厂水处理设计 本设计废水的有机物浓度高,成分复杂,含有石油类、胺类、酸类、破乳剂等污染物。此外,水中还含有难以降解的大分子苯环物质和浓度很高的SO42-出水收集到集水井,再用泵提升至澄清池,澄清池的出水经泵提升进入UASB反应器进行厌氧处理,再经竖配水井,泥水分离后上清液进入SBR反应器,在SBR反应器中进行好氧处理1.82元/m3《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)二级标准。 关键词: UASB+SBR工艺;水;活性污泥处理 A biological pharmaceutical factory sewage treatment plant design Abstract Pharmaceutical wastewater of high concentration organic matter, complicated composition, contain oil, amine ,acids, and pollutants such as demulsifier. In addition, the water also contain hard to degrade macromolecular material and high concentrations of benzene ring of water quality, SO42- for CODcr 4000 ~ 5000 mg/L, BOD5 for 2500 to 3000 mg/L, SS for 2000 to 2500 mg/L, pH value for 8 to 10. With UASB and combination of SBR process to remove the wastewater treatment can achieve the purpose of organic matter. The biological pharmaceutical wastewater treatment process design for: wastewater after removing scum, collect water grille to collect, then use to pump water Wells up to clarify the pool, the pool of water pump clear the ascension into the UASB reactor on anaerobic treatment, then through shaft with Wells, will spate separation of after qing liquid into the reactor, the reactor in SBR of aerobic treating. The design of the construction investment is 11.41 million yuan, processing cost is 1.82 yuan/m3. After the treatment technology of effluent water for CODcr after 85 mg/L, BOD5 90 mg/L, SS 68 mg/LpH v, alue of 6 ~ 9, the sewage to the national comprehensive discharge standard (GB8978-1996) biological pharmaceutical waste water discharge of the secondary standard. Key words: UASB+SBR process;Biological pharmacy sewage;activated sludge 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1 项目背景 1 1.2 设计依据 1 1.3 设计原则 1 1.4 设计内容 2 2 设计水质及设计要求 3 2.1 废水的来源 3 2.2 废水水质 3 2.3 处理要求 3 3 工艺选择 5 3.1 处理方法简介 5 3.1.1 方案一 5 3.1.2 方案二 6 3.1.3 方案三 7 3.2 方案选择 8 4 工艺设计 10 4.1 各构筑物去除率 10 4.2 构筑物设计及工艺说明 10 4.2.1 格栅 10 4.2.2 调节池 11 4.2.3 集水池 12 4.2.4 水利循环澄清池 12 4.2.5 UASB反应器 13 4.2.6 三相分离器 14 4.2.7 配水井 14 4.2


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