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Carrefour China Institute 树立良好的形象 Set up good image 穿颜色统一、干净、整齐的服装(白色忖衣+黑色裤子+黑色皮鞋+黄色马夹), 戴好工卡。 Unify dresses and keep them clean (white shirt+black trousers + black shoes + yellow vest). Always with name badge on. 使促销员保持良好的精神状态,要求女士化淡妆,家电男促销带领带。 Make sure that all promoters keep good spirit. Ladies light make-up, men-promoter of Appliance wear Carrefour tie. 在卖场端正站立姿势,不得靠货架、闲聊、串岗。 Rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf , chat and hang about. 实行规范用语,三米微笑服务. Use polite words, Welcome customer in three meter(attached file). 做好各项促销活动 To cooperate,help all sales dept. doing promotion actions. 接待顾客用语 Receiving customer wording 介绍用语 introduce wording 3. 这种商品现在很流行(或是新产品), 您不妨试一试。 4. 这种商品正在促销,价搁很实惠。 5. 这种商品削价是因为… …质量没问题。 6. 这种商品的特点是… … 7. 您使用前,请先看一下说明书,按照说明书上要求操作. 8. 使用这种商品时,请注意… … 9. 您要的商品暂时缺货, 但这种商品款式、价格和功能 与您要的商品差不多, 要不要试一试。 10. 购买大件商品或数量比较多, 市内我们可以负责免费 送货。 1. 合法促销 Legal promotion A. 不得私下交易, 引导顾客到供应商处购买商品。 Purchasing privately and guiding ask customers to supplier for big purchase are banned. B. 不得销售非本商场陈列的商品及散发其宣传资料。 Can’t sales goods that is not the store and distributing that literatures in the store. 2. 实事求是地向顾客宣传商品知识. We must introduce the products knowledge to customer according to facts. C. 必须按照顾客的需要开展促销活动,严禁向顾客硬性推销。 we should conduct promotions according to customers need. Compulsory peddles are fiercely banned. D. 要以事实和数据为依据,不得随意滥发赠品、礼劵。 we should promote goods according to facts and data. Sending gift/free goods without permission is strictly forbidden. E 不得以任何理由与顾客发生争吵. Never quarrel with customers with any reason. F. 不得以不正当的销售方式欺诈顾客。 cheating the customer with illegal sales method is forbidden. * * 促销员培训 promoter training 促销员培


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