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新视野大学?英语(第二版)读写教程网?络版答案Unit1?Passa?ge AVocab?ulary? Task 11. The years? he spent? in the count?rysid?e prove?d to be a(n) exper?ience?. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)rewar?dingrewar?ding2. You can learn? a lot from this onlin?e cours?e. It is desig?ned to help peopl?e bette?r throu?gh speec?h and writi?ng. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)commu?nicat?ecommu?nicat?e3. Over a third? of the popul?ation? was estim?ated to have no to healt?h servi?ce. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)acces?sacces?s4. Askin?g too many perso?nal quest?ions durin?g an inter?view can lead to a(n) situa?tion. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)embar?rassi?ngembar?rassi?ng5. Dont just compl?ain about? whats wrong? with it; sugge?st some ways to solve? the probl?em. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)conti?nualposit?ive6. No one in the class? could? match? Johns hard work and to study?, which? is why the profe?ssor liked? him. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)posit?ivecommi?tment?7. The Web site allow?s you to take a(n) tour of the well-known? city which? was there? about? 2,000 years? ago. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)virtu?alvirtu?al8. Those? who dare not answe?r quest?ions in tradi?tiona?l class?room can easil?y enjoy? the of onlin?e cours?es. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)benef?itsbenef?its9. He could?nt join the polic?e becau?se he was below? the heigh?t allow?ed by the rules?. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)minim?umminim?um10. Many new will be opene?d up in the futur?e for those? with a unive?rsity? educa?tion. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)oppor?tunit?iesoppor?tunit?ies11. Could? you Profe?ssor Lis lectu?re on the Web site? I would? like to read it this eveni?ng if possi?ble. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)postpost12. The betwe?en rich and poor count?ries has becom?e even wider? in recen?t years?. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)gapgap13. The story? was a(n) throu?ghout? the count?ry among? both child?ren and adult?s. Your answe?r(s)Corre?ct answe?r(s)favor?itef


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