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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 甘肃大峡水电站继电保护及 二次回路设计 学 院: 电子信息学院 专业班级: 电气工程及其自动化06级1班 指导教师: 职称: 讲师 学生姓名: 学 号: 40604040108 摘 要 由于大型水电站的母线、发电机和变压器的结构比较复杂,在运行过程中都可能会发生各种各样的故障和异常运行状态,为了确保在保护范围内发生故障,都能有选择性的快速切除故障,需要配置多种继电保护装置,必要时进行多重化配置,从而将水电站中重要设备的危害和损失降到最小,对电力系统的影响最小。 发电厂和变电所母线是电力系统中的中的一个重要组成部件,发电机的安全运行对保证电力系统的正常工作和电能质量起着决定性的作用;而变压器是电力系统十分重要的供电元件再者,发电机、变压器本身就是十分贵重的电气元件,所以,继电保护装置对大型水电站的正常运行起着至关重要的作用。 根据大峡水电站的接线图及相关资料。本设计共包括六章,分别对母线、发电机、变压器的继电保护进行详细介绍,并给出相关的整定计算,画出部分二次接线图。 本文主要通过分析原始资料中主要设备的参数,首先,需要对电力系统保护原理进行全面系统的复习、查阅相关资料,加深理解;其次,结合相关参数和各种继电保护原理,确定适用于大峡水电站的保护方案,最后,分别对母线处、发电机和变压器进行整定计算和配置,并且根据系统一次设计图给出部分二次设计及其配置图和一般原理图。 关键词:水电站、继电保护、发电机、变压器、母线、二次回路 Abstract As a result of large hydroelectric stations bus bar, the generator and transformers structure is quite complex, possibly will break down various in the movement process and exceptionally the running status, to guarantee that will break down in the extent of protection, can have the selective fast excision breakdown, needs to dispose many kinds of relay protection installments, when the necessity will carry on the multi-densified disposition, thus in the river water power plant the important equipments harm and the loss will fall to are smallest, will be smallest to electrical power systems influence. The power plant and the transformer substation bus bar is in an electrical power systems important building block, generators safe operation to guaranteed that electrical power systems normal work and the electrical energy quality are playing the decisive role; Furthermore but the transformer is the electrical power system very important power supply part, the generator, the transformer itself are the very precious electrical elements, therefore, relay protection installment to large hydroelectric station normal operation very important function. According to Daxia hydro power station wiring d


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