
凉山彝族火把节研究 四川凉山彝族火把节音乐研究.doc

凉山彝族火把节研究 四川凉山彝族火把节音乐研究.doc

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凉山彝族火把节研究 四川凉山彝族火把节音乐研究.doc

凉山彝族火把节研究 四川凉山彝族火把节音乐研究 四川凉山彝族火把节音乐研究 摘 要 凉山彝族自治州是我国彝族的主要聚居区,位于四川省西南部,北起雅安、 甘孜两地州南缘,南连渡口市,东西两面分别于云南省为邻,东北与乐山、宜宾 两地市接壤。全州辖一市 16 县,面积六万余平方公里,总人口约四百余万,有 汉、彝、藏、回、蒙古族等十多个世居民族1。 火把节作为彝族的传统节庆文化,完美体现了彝族核心文化价值体系,尤其 作为我国首批非物质文化遗产保护项目, 即带动了学术界对民族节庆与民俗事项 的研究,又有效促进了当地经济、文化和社会的发展,引起了社会各界的广泛关 注。 本文共分四章,第一章绪论从选题目的和意义、国内外研究现状、主要研究 方法和创新点这三个方面对论文进行宏观的定位和概述; 第二章从彝族火把节的 文化背景出发描述了彝族概况和火把节的传说与起源; 第三章以田野调查的采风 资料为依据, 对火把节活动的实录及个案音乐形态进行具体分析;第四章以田野 调查观察到的现象总结出其存在的问题、现状,并提出对策及解决方案。 本文通过四川凉山彝族火把节活动及其活动中的音乐内容作为切入点, 抓住 深化文化体制改革、 繁荣发展少数民族文化事业这一重大议题,结合近年来文化 界讨论的热点问题“非物质文化遗产研究” ,试从民族音乐学、音乐人类学的角 度来审视凉山彝族火把节中的音乐形态,对其传承与保护进行思考,并提出相关 建议,以期对我国少数民族音乐文化事业的繁荣发展做出些许贡献。 关键词:彝族火把节;民间音乐;传承;保护 1 参见凉山彝族自治州概况编写组.凉山彝族自治州概况[M].成都:四川民族出版社,1985.1-2. 1 On Music of Sichuan Liangshan Yi peoples Torch Festival Abstract Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture is the main inhabited areas of China Yi, located in Sichuan Province in the southwest, North Ya’an, South Ganzi, South ferry city, two things are in Yunnan province to the northeast border, and Leshan, Yibin city. Quanzhou 16 counties and one city, area of over 60000 square kilometers, the total population of about Sibaiyuwan, Han, Yi, Tibetan, Hui, Mongolia and so on more than 10 Nationalities2 Torch Festival of Yi “spiritual homeof the papers from the three aspects of the purpose and significance of topics, research status at home and abroad, the main research methods and innovation; the second chapter from the torch festival of the Yi People’s culture background description of the legend and the origin of the torch festival of the Yi; in the third chapter fieldwork collecting data as the basis, the torch festival of music in the form of record and case specific analysis; the fourth chapter on field survey observed phenomenon summed up the status of the existing problems, and puts forward some countermeasures and solutions. The content of music through the Sichuan Liangshan Torch Festival of the Yi people activities and activities as the breakthrough point, seize


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