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q 2007 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC q 2007 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC q 2007 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC PREFACE Radiotherapy is a comprehensive and fast-moving discipline which plays a major role in cancer care. Safe and effective radiotherapy requires close collaboration between radiation oncologists, radiation technologists and medical physicists, and all must have an understanding of each others’ disciplines. Our aim has been to provide a comprehensive text providing most of the theoretical and practical knowledge that medical physicists need to know, including the essential underlying radiation biology. Although principally aimed at practising medical physicists, this book will also be useful to all other professionals involved in radiation therapy, whether they be students (master’s and PhD level), university teachers, researchers, radiation oncologists, or radiation technologists. The book is organised into 13 Parts, each dealing with a major self-contained subject area. Each part begins with an introduction by the editors and is subdivided into chapters mostly written by a single author. References are collected together at the end of each part. In order to cover in detail all aspects of radiotherapy physics and biology, a high level of expertise was required. Contributions have been brought together from eminent specialists in the field, mostly from Europe, but also some from North America. The editors have, where necessary, combined contributions from different authors in order to provide a logical flow—as far as possible details of who wrote what are shown on the title page of each chapter. Parts A through C provide the fundamentals of the underlying physics, radiobiology and technology respectively. Parts D through H provide the practical information needed to support external-beam radiotherapy: dose measurements, properties of clinical beams, patient dose computation, treatment planning and quality assurance. An appendix to Part D gives complementa


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