business research methods william g zikmund cyclass ….ppt

business research methods william g zikmund cyclass ….ppt

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business research methods william g zikmund cyclass …

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONCEPTS OBSERVATION OF OBJECTS AND EVENTS (REALITY) Empirical Level Abstract Level Concepts are Abstractions of Reality Scientific Method The use of a set of prescribed procedures for establishing and connecting theoretical statements about events and for predicting events yet unknown. Abstract Level Concepts abstract reality. Propositions are statements concerned with the relationships among concepts. Always makes four sales calls a day Dollar bonus for sales volume over quota Concept B (Habits) Hypothesis at Empirical Level Concept A (Reinforcement) Proposition at Abstract Level A hypothesis is a proposition that is empirically testable. It is an empirical statement concerned with the relationship among variables. A variable is anything that may assume different numerical values. Deductive Reasoning The logical process of deriving a conclusion from a known premise or something known to be true. We know that all managers are human beings. If we also know that John Smith is a manager, then we can deduce that John Smith is a human being. Inductive Reasoning The logical process of establishing a general proposition on the basis of observation of particular facts. All managers that have ever been seen are human beings; therefore all managers are human beings. Falsificationist You cannot prove the theory that it is correct, but you can disprove it. Assess relevant existing knowledge Formulate concepts Propositions Statement of Hypotheses Design research Acquire empirical data Analyze evaluate data Provide explanation- state new problem The Scientific Method: An Overview “YOU SEE, BUT YOU DO NOT OBSERVE.” Sherlock Holmes Scientific Observation Is Systematic What Can Be Observed? Physical actions Verbal behavior Expressive behavior Spatial relations and locations Temporal patterns Verbal and pictorial records Phenomena Example Human behavior or physical S


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