ETON COLLEGE伊顿大学英文ppt课件.ppt

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ETON COLLEGE伊顿大学英文ppt课件

Eton College坐落在伦敦20英里的温莎小镇,是英国最著名的贵族男子中学。 It is composed of the upper right corner of the crest represents England Royal heraldic lion and the upper left corner represents the French royal Lily badge and below three lined with black silver lilies.Using the two symbol of the royal family because at that time was Henry VI as king of France; and the black bottom forever, silver Lily represents the virgin Maria. 它的校徽是由右上角代表英格兰王室的狮子纹章和左上角代表法兰西王室的百合花徽章以及下方三枚衬着黑底的银色百合组成。使用两个王室的标志只因当时建校者亨利六世同为英法两国的国王;而黑底代表永恒,银百合代表圣母玛利亚。 Eaton college also to ancient tradition and a very special uniforms.Eaton public schools for different positions, different grades, different Honor winner designed different dress.Eatons uniforms are similar to a black tuxedo, white shirt, vest, buckle black trousers and shoes.The outfit will be 700 pounds, with supporting the playing shirt, tie, dress and a man of Eaton, at least several thousand pounds.In black tuxedo, some with cloak, that is the king scholarship winner Mark. 伊顿公学还以古老传统和非常特别的校服而闻名。伊顿公学为不同职位、不同等级、不同荣誉的获得者设计了不同着装。伊顿的校服类似绅士的黑色燕尾服、白色衬衫、圆领扣、黑色的马甲、长裤和皮鞋。这套行头就要700英镑,加上配套的成打衬衫、领带等,装扮一个伊顿人,至少要好几千英镑。在黑色燕尾服中,有一些带披风的,那是国王奖学金获得者的标志。 Current status Now, there is not much left. The noble school, so the noble actually has become expensive family name.Eaton belongs to the private school, is in principle for the public entrance, but must comply with money, talent two words.One student each year more than 20000 pounds fees (including accommodation), makes many families and step back. Teaching mode Students admitted to the school from each of Eaton‘s first performance, in English, mathematics, French and so on , each subject were graded (class), generally 14, a corresponding reduction in smaller disciplines.It with the general speed of different class, a student is not loosely in fast or slow in class, but in every subject in different classes. 学校从每个学生考入伊顿的第一个成绩起,在英语、数学、法文等每一学科下分别分出等级(班),一般14级,较小的学科相应减少。它与笼统的快慢班不同,一个学生不是被笼统地归在快或慢的班里,而是每一科在不同的班级里。 In Eatons


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