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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一一年七月 “浙远台州”轮燃油分油机的工作原理和排渣故障分析 专业班级: 轮机07级8班 姓 名: 丁乐中 指导教师: 王忠忱 轮机工程学院 内容摘要 “台州”轮上的燃油分油机是ALFA-LAVAL S851型分油机,本文就针对该机型在船舶上的应用,全面的分析和研究分油机的工作原理、控制系统、工作流程以及本船经常遇到的排渣故障。 首先,分析分油机的工作原理。其次,全面介绍“台州”轮上ALFA-LAVAL S851型分油机的结构,包括分油机的外部结构、内部结构和切面图结构。然后介绍分油机的控制系统,研究分油机控制单元EPC 50装置的输入输出信号和控制功能,再深入的分析控制系统的控制过程。最后,就本船燃油分油机经常出现的排渣故障,全面地分析排渣故障的原因和介绍故障解决的过程。 为了更好的使用分油机,在本论文分析和分油机排渣故障的基础上,提出分油机维护和管理的建议。 在本论文的最后得出结论:分油机是体积小、结构紧凑的装置,并且其结构和功能也在不断的改进,作为轮机人员应能熟练掌握所管理设备的结构和系统,并能不拘于已掌握的知识,要与时俱进,不断创新,不断学习新的东西。 关键词:分油机 工作原理 EPC 50 MT 50 控制系统 故障分析 管理 Abstract The fuel oil purifier of Taizhou ship is ALFA LAVAL S851 - type oil purifier.The article is aimed at application of the ALFA LAVAL S851 - type oil purifier, analysing and discussing deeply the working principle ,control system,working procedure of the oil separator,and frequently appearing discharge sludge failure on our ship. The first,analysing the working principle of the common oil separator.The second, introducing overall the structure of Taizhou ship’ ALFA LAVAL S851 - type oil purifier,including external structure,internal structure,sectional structure of the oil separator.In addition,introducing the oil separator’control system,researching the input and output information and control function of the control unit EPC 50,and then,analysing deeply control procedure of the control unit.The last,being aimed at normally occuring discharge sludge fault,overall analysing the cause of the fault and introducing the procedure of solving fault. To make better use of the oil separator,the article gets the advice about maintaining and managing the oil separator . At the end of the article,getting the conclusion:The oil separator is the machine which is small volume and compact conformation,and the struture and function is changing.We should know well the structure and system of ourselves equipments.And don’t limit to the knowledge that we have grasped, keeping up with the times, constantly bringin


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