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摘要: 简易数显电子钟主要有三部分构成:函数信号发生器 计时电路 整点报时。晶振提供一个频率稳定准确的32768Hz的信号,经过分频器分频的到1Hz稳定准确的函数信号,做为计数器的脉冲信号,六个计数器串行连接,分别采用十进制和六进制计数(时十位为三进制计数),通过7448译码器和显示器显现出来,计数周期为24小时。当分钟两位同时为零时通过单稳态触发和0.5Hz函数信号共同作用多谐振荡,通过控制单稳态触发时间来控制多谐震荡时间,从而控制响铃时间。 关键字:晶体振荡器、分频器、译码显示 Abstract:The simple number reveals the electron clock mainly to have three parts of constitutions:The function signal generating device timing circuit integral point reports time. The crystal oscillator provides frequency stable accurate 32768Hz the signal. After frequency divider frequency division to 1Hz stable accurate function signal,Does for the counter pulse signal. Six counter serial connections,Uses the decimal base and the senary counting separately (when ten for ternary notation counting). Comes out through 7448 decoders and the monitor appearances,The counting cycle is 24 hours. When at the same time minute two affects the multi-harmonic vibrations together for the zero hour through monostable triggering and the 0.5Hz function signal, Through controls the monostable triggering time to control the multi-harmony shake time,Thus control bell time. Keywords: crystal oscillator、 the frequency divider、decoding display 目 录 一.前言 3 二.慨述与基本组成 5 三.单元模块设计 1.电源信号 5 2.信号发生器 7 1)晶体振荡电路 8 2)分频电路 9 3.计数器 10 1)分.秒计数器 11 2)时计数器 12 4.译码显示电路 13 5.自动报时电路 16 四.主要元器件介绍 18 1.CD4060 18 2.555 18 3.74LS161 24 五、系统功能、指标参数 25 六、设计总结 26 附 录 27 前言: 电子技术基


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