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环境地质学 Environmental Geology 主讲人:万新南教授     Prof. Wan xinnan 环境地质学概念及学习意义 Concept of Environmental geology 1、环境地质学概念(Concept) 是认识“系统环境”的一门综合性学科, 是研究环境科学、地质科学,系统了解地球本身的一门基础科学。人类只有一个地球,共同的家园。 2、环境地质学学习意义(why study it) 不了解地球的学者不算一个完美的学者,环境地学知识能使其它学科,在设计施工、决策上站在“地球环境”的高度上考虑问题。 3、授课对象(who study it) 主要针对非地学类专业(文科、非地学的理科、如农业、电子、医学,环境工程等),也可针对地学类学生      现实中的地质与环境 Geology Environment, then and now 文明依地质条件的应允而存,但这种条件却无时不刻地在潜移默化。(可以真实体会学习环境地质学的真谛) Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.( Will Durant) 四川省安县国家地质公园则是现实中的环境-地质-风景-文明溶为一体的典型地区。(观看成都理工大学制作的“地质与文明”的科教片,20分钟--该片溶汇了“环境地质学”的大部分内容,是体会该课程的总纲与先导) 第一部分:宇宙与地球 Chapter 1: Our Planetary Environment 1、星际环境The Universe Environment 2、时空中的地球 Earth in Space and Time 3、生命演化与人口形势 Biology evolution and Population 4、地球物质的化学组成 Rock and Minerals in earth 1、星际环境 The Planetary Environment 1)宇宙的形成 Our Universe 大爆炸理论:“Big Bang”-发生在150亿年前 In recent decades, scientists have been able to construct an ever-clearer picture of the origins of the solar system and, before that, of the universe itself. Most astronomers now accept some sort of “Big Bang” as origin of today’s universe. At that time, enormous quantities of matter were created and flung投掷 violently apart across an ever-larger volume of space. The time of Big Bang can be estimated in several ways. Perhaps the most direct is the back-calculation of the universe’s expansion to its apparent beginning. Other methods depend on astrophysical天体物理 models of creation of the elements or the rate of evolution of different types of stars. Most age estimates overlap in the range of 15 to 20 billion years, although a few researchers suggest an age closer to 10 billion years. 1、星际环境 The Planetary Environment 2)星球的形成 Our Universe 大爆炸理论:在重力作用下、碎片聚集、能量释放 From the debris of the Big Bang formed the stars, as locally high concentrations of mass were collected together by gravity, and some became large and dense enough that energy-releasing atomic reactions were set o


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