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抚顺市旅游企业导游人员薪酬问题研究 内 容 提 要 导游员作为旅行社旅游接待工作中的主体,是整个旅游服务的轴心,可是在我国很多地方,导游员的生存却十分艰难,一部分原因取决于导游员薪酬制度存在着明显的缺陷,这己严重地影响到我国旅游业的发展。为了改变这种现状,本文以抚顺市为背景、以专职导游员为研究对象,对导游员薪酬制度进行研究。 本文首先阐述抚顺市导游员薪酬制度的现状,认为抚顺市导游员薪酬制度存在着一些值得肯定、甚至值得其它地区借鉴的优点,同时也存在着很多的问题。主要存在:抚顺市专职导游员的薪酬是按劳分配原则,但却不能体现出效率质量的优势,优酬的薪酬分配原则;旅行社在薪酬分配中处于主导地位,而政府、导游员,以及行业协会在薪酬分配中缺乏应有的地位;薪酬主要由显性收入和隐性收入两部分构成,合理性及不合理性兼具;导游员薪酬与薪酬制度普遍缺乏激励机制,导致了导游员的职业认同感不高、离职倾向明显,影响了导游员队伍的可持续发展,等等。 然后,本文探讨导游员薪酬制度问题的根源。笔者认为,既有旅行社、导游员自身、政府、行业协会等方面的原因,也有旅游供应商、旅游者等其它方面的原因。这些原因直接或者间接地导致了目前抚顺市导游员薪酬制度的问题。 最后,本文主要从优化薪酬分配原则、调整薪酬结构以及建立薪酬激励机制等方面,提出解决抚顺市导游员薪酬制度问题的对策。 关键词:导游人员 薪酬制度 对策 Abstract Tour guides as a travel agency in the main reception work, the axis of travel services, but in many places of our country, the tour guide s survival is very difficult, part of the reason depends on the tour guide salary system has obvious defects, which has seriously affected the development of Chinas tourism industry. In order to change this situation, this paper takes Fushun as the background, the professional tour guides as the research object, conducts the research to the tour guide salary system.This paper firstly describes the status of Fushun tour guides salary system, think Fushun city tour guide salary system exist some worthwhile, even be used in other area advantages, there are also many problems. Mainly has: Fushun professional tour guides pay is the principle of distribution according to work, but it can not reflect the efficiency of quality advantage, principle of salary distribution and reward; travel agency is in the leading position in salary distribution, while the government, tour guides, as well as industry associations in salary distribution due to the lack of status; pay mainly by explicit or hidden income of two parts, rationality and irrationality of both; tour guide salary and compensation system lack of incentive mechanism, resulted in the occupation identification guides are not


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