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孙店五中七年级英语导学案 七年级上Unit 7 How much are these socks ? 主备人:崔春灵 审核人:龚高旗 督办领导:彭连生 时间: Period one (Section A 1a-2c) 【学习目标】 掌握下列生词: New words: socks, sock, shirt, T-shirt ,shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar,color,black,white red, green, blue, yellow, big, small, short, long. Key phrases: how much, 掌握重点句型:How much is/are ……?It’s/They’re…… (1) -- How much is this T-shirt? -- It’s seven dollars. (2) -- How much are these socks? -- They’re two dollars. 学习重难点 学会使用询问价格的句型,并能正确回答 【前置学习】 根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示. 裤子________ 短袜_______男衬衣________ T恤衫________ 短裤___毛衣________ 鞋_______ 裙子________ 出售________ 美元_____颜色________ 黑色 1 孙店五中七年级英语导学案 _______白色________ 红色_______ 绿色__ _蓝色________ 黄色_______ 广大的________ 小的________ 短的,矮的_____ 长的__ _ 短语:(价钱)多少___________ 【展示交流】 Step 1 :New words.1a match the words with the things in the picture. 1.自读单词,然后将单词与图中物品相搭配.. 2.自读中的对话,理解汉语意思. 3.小组讨论汉语意思,并练习对话. 4.两人一组展示对话,小组竞争. 5.利用身边的实物,两人一组练习对话. Step 2 :Listening 1、1b Listen and circle the things socks, T-shirt ,shorts, sweater, bag, hat, socks, shoes, skirt, 2、listen1b and fill in the blanks. A:How much is the hat? B: The hat is dollars. A:And how much are the shorts? B:O, they’re dollars. A:And the sweater? How much is the sweater? B:Let’s see. The sweater is dollars. 2 孙店五中七年级英语导学案 3、listen 2a and 2b finsh the task. 结对练习就2a 中的物品进行自由问答. 就你自己的物品相 互询问价格. eg:-How much is the red sweater ? -It’s 30 $. -How much are these notebooks ? -They’ re 10$. 【合作探究】 1.你知道how much的用法吗? 2.当我们询问物品的价格时,回答的时候需要注意什么? 【达标拓展】 一.单项选择. 1._______ are these bananas? --- They’ re $10. A. how much B. How C. How much D. how 2. _______ the shirts $15? ---Yes, they _______. A. are, are B. Is, is C. Are, are D. Is, are 3. How much is the hat? ---_______. 3 孙店五中七年级英语导学案 A. I like it . It’s very nice C. It’s $30 D. It’s a shirt. 4. _______ is the pencil case ? --- It’s red and blue. A. Who B. What C. How D. What color 5. – How ______ b


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