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作者:Chunhui Yang Shimin Luo 国籍:China 出处:2010 Intemational Conference on System,Engineering Drdign and Manufacturing Informatization Circular are flexible hinge stiffness character analysis Abstract-Flexible hinges are widely used in micro robotic. Its tigidity directly influences an organization’s terminal localization. Its actual structure geometry size cannot satisfy the theoretical analysis completely in a theoretical supposition condition. In this paper. We analayzed the rotation rigidity of a ellliptical flexible hinge in different parameters using finite element software ANSYS. The errors are discovered and compared with theoretical result. Though the graph of the flexible hinge parameters on the performance of a elliptical flexible hinge was carried out. The key manufacture parameters that affect the performance of an elliptical flexible hinge the most and rules of design are given, which can provide directions of design precision for the flexible hinge. Keywords-flexible hinge; elllipse; finite element analysisl;rigidity Ⅰ.INTRODUCTION Flexible hinge have some characteristics, such as small volume, without tubs, ceaseless, good rigidity and high sensitivity. With micocomputer electrical system series (MEMS) technical rapidly expanding, flexible hinge are widely applied in the displacement which requests small angular and high-precision rotation, such as gyroscopes,accelerometers, percision instruments and so on. It has broad application prospects in the micron level domain. The common flexible hinge is in two kinds:beam-shape flexible hinge and arc-shaped flexible hinge. The beam-shaped flexible hinge has a big slewing area, but the movement precision is bad. The arc-shaped flexible hinge’s movement percision is bad. The arc-shaped flexible hinge is relatively small. In order to take into account the movement ptecision and scope, the following several rotation flexible hinges have been generated: parabolic flexure hinge, an elliptical flexure hinge and a hyp


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