基于JAVA SWING的房地产信息管理系统的设计.doc

基于JAVA SWING的房地产信息管理系统的设计.doc

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基于JAVA SWING的房地产信息管理系统的设计

摘 要 随着计算机性能的不断提高,价格不断的下降,计算机已经在医疗、教学、科研、管理等各个方面得到广泛的应用。当今是一个信息社会,计算机化的信息系统已经成为现代化企业运营必不可少的基础设施和技术支撑环境。而众多的中小型房地产中介企业能否顺应潮流,科学利用现代计算机信息管理技术,根据自身特点和需求对企业内的房地产信息进行科学有效的管理,是企业能否在激烈的竞争中胜出的关键所在。 因此如何建立一套完善、可行的是中小型房地产中介企业有效管理信息提高工作效率的保证。更是由于这种市场上的需求和技术上的支持使得我们开发出一个,适合于中小型房地产中介公司用于计算和管理本公司的房地产信息,改进企业信息管理,提供工作效率。 本系统主要是针对中小房地产中介公司的房地产信息管理,系统采用JAVA 作为编程语言,根据软件流程过程规范,按照需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、程序编码、测试等过程开发 Abstract With the continuous improvement of computer performance, prices falling, the computer has been widely used in the medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, management and so on various aspects. Today in a information society, computerized information system has become essential infrastructure and technical support environment for the modern enterprise operation . And whether many small and medium-sized real estate intermediary companies can comply with the trend, scientifically use modern computer information management technology and scientifically and effectively manage real estate information of the business enterprise or not, according to the characteristics and requirements , is the key to win in the fierce competition for the enterprise. So how to establish a set of perfect and feasible real estate information management system is the guarantee to manage information and improve the work efficiency effectively for small and medium-sized real estate intermediary enterprise. The market demand and technical support allows us to develop a real estate information management system, suitable for small and medium-sized real estate intermediary company to calculate and manage the companys real estate information, improve the enterprise information management,and provide work efficiency. This system is mainly aimed at real estate information management of small and medium-sized real estate intermediary company, using JAVA as a programming language, according to the software process specification, in accordance with the requirement analysis, general des



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