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品牌提案模板 Strategy Part.1 品牌的本质不在于正面或负面报道有多少,而是要通过聚焦占据某一个品类的消费者心智。 定位之父 艾·里斯 此处输入备注文字 如2016年2月18日开盘在即 章节序言 [文本推导] 开宗明义 [文本推导] 当所有人 都在裸奔的时候 是该把衣服一件件穿回来的 时候了 此处输入备注文字 如2016年2月18日开盘在即 1 ALTERNATIVE We were one of the first energy companies in 1997 to acknowledge the threat of climate change, to call for action by governments, our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. Feature A Feature B our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. 2 ENTERPRISE We were one of the first energy companies. Sevice A We were one of the first energy companies. Sevice B We were one of the first energy companies. Sevice C 4 STRENGTH 3 SERVICE our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. We were one of the first energy companies in 1997 to acknowledge the threat of climate change, to call for action by governments, our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. Service A Service B our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. We were one of the first energy companies. Strength A We were one of the first energy companies. Strength B We were one of the first energy companies. Strength C 7 CONTACT E-MAIL Tweeter:@XXXXXX IM +01 XXXXXXXXX FAX 5 DESIGN our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. PUBLIC We were one of the first energy companies in 1997 to acknowledge the threat of climate change, to call for action by governments, our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. PR CAMPAINGE PR our industry and energy users, and to take action ourselves. 6 VIEW Media Part.2 55% 45% WEB DAILY IM ONLINE OUTDOOR PR 44% INSIGHT 洞见 我们打算为这样一群目标客群量身订造 Colorful day 意外旅行概念互动行销 锁定核心消费人群 年轻新富上班族 24-32岁 学历中上,受教育程度良好 月收入约5000-8000 及时行乐、兴趣广泛 热衷网络(微信、领英、Tweet) 生活视野正在快速增长 租房/正在按揭 喜欢聚会、分享SHOPPING 消费频率高 单次消费金额低 热衷运动、公益、环保 普遍使用信用卡 时尚敏感度高 补充人群 新富家庭 30-45岁 房奴、孩奴、车奴 大专以上学历 家庭月收入约12000 以上 重视子女 教育成长 喜欢家庭聚餐 小孩 0—10岁 收入稳定,有经济积累 部分有私家车 注重家庭生活质量 消费频率相对低 单次消费金额中上 追求高性价比 有一定的品牌认知度 乐于接受新事物 4


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