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广州大学松田学院 毕业论文(设计) 题目 基于单片机的家庭防盗报警系统设计 学生姓名 学 号 专业班级 电气工程及其自动化(1) 导师姓名 二○一四 年 五 月 基于AT89C52单片机的家庭防盗系统设计 摘要:当前,我国经济处于高速发展阶段,人们的的生活水平也变得越来越好了。于是,人们开始重视生活环境的安全,只是舒适的生活环境已不能满足人们对住宅的要求了,因为他们更希望拥有一个安全的住宿环境。另一方面,经济的迅速增长也给社会带来了许多负面影响,城乡之间的收入差距越来越大,社会流动人口越来越多,因此,盗窃、入室抢劫的事件出现了上升趋势,人们越来越希望拥有一个安全的环境。所以人们希望自己的住所拥有一个报警装置,当有盗贼进入自己的住所的时候,报警装置能检测到有人入侵,从而发出报警信号,达到通知屋主并吓跑盗贼的效果,从而保障了人们的财产安全,使得他们生活过得安心。这些要求引起了国内一些安防业的厂家重视,他们开始开发研制家庭自动报警系统,于是许多种类的防盗装置开始进入市场。但是,很多报警器的可靠性比较差,而且性价比低。本文主要介绍热释红外防盗报警器的设计过程,使人们了解防盗报警器,并提出了一些防盗报警器在现阶段的发展策略及应用前景。 关键词:生活 报警系统 应用前景 Abstraction:As Chinese economy develops in a high speed at the moment, people’s living standard also improves. They start to pay attention to the safety of living environment. However, comfortable environment is not the only one requirement of the houses because people prefer a safer one.??Yet, the fast economic growth of China has adverse effects on the society, such as the widening income gap between city and countryside as well as the larger number of floating population. Consequently, people hope they can own a safer accommodation as thievery and burglary increasingly happened. They prefer houses with alarm system which can send alarms to the owner?and?scare the burglaries away when they intrude into houses?which?are detected.?The alarm system guarantees residents’ property safety so that they can live a more?safer life. Some domestic?manufacturers in security industry think highly of the alarm system and they start to develop automatic alarm system.?Thus many kinds of the alarm systems begin to entrance the market. However, many alarm systems are in poor reliability and in low cost performance.??This article mainly introduces the design process of the pyroelectric infrared burglar alarm, which helps people to know the alarm system, and proposes?some?present-stage development strategies and?reveal itsapplication prospect of?the?alarm system. Key words:


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