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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:基于射频无线通信的点阵显示屏设计与实现 2012年6月10日 基于射频无线通信的点阵显示屏设计与实现 摘 要 LED点阵显示屏优点广泛应用于各种场合。目前,采用有线方式传输显示信息的点阵屏幕安装和更改位置不便,而采用公共无线收费网络传输方式运行费用较高。针对以上不足之处,本研究的主要目标是实现点阵显示屏的无线控制。在上位机PC端输入显示的内容,通过无线收发模式,在下位机点阵屏显示接收到的内容。 本系统是以89C51系列单片机STC89C51RC作为控制核心,来控制各部分电路实现相应的功能。从功能上划分,本系统分为上位机PC端界面、无线发射模块、无线接收模块和LED点阵屏显示模块。 上位机用VB语言编写可视化界面,实现显示信息的输入、字模数据的生成、串口选择、波特率选择和数据一键发送,实现了简单的人机交互。下位机采用单片机为主控芯片的电路,显示信息的数据存储在外扩32K的随机存储器62256中。无线通信采用CC1100模块,它具有低功耗、传输距离远、抗干扰能力强和误码率低等优点。点阵显示屏显示部分由16个8×8 发光二极管组成,能够清晰的显示4个16×16分辨率的汉字。 关键字:单片机 点阵显示屏 射频无线通信 随机存储器 A Design and Realization of the Rf Wireless Transmission LED Lattice Screen Based on Micro-controller Unit Abstract The LED lattice screen has many advantages, so it is widely used in all kinds of situations.At present, the way of displaying information transmission cable bitmap screen installation and change the position of inconvenience, and to use the public wireless charging network transmission operation cost is higher. In view of the above shortcomings, the studys main goal is to realize the LED lattice screen controlled by wireless signal. In the PC the input the content of the show, through the wireless transceiver mode, the LED lattice screen displays the received content. STC89C52RC of 89C51 series micro-controller unit is the core of this system, and controls every part of circuit achieving their functions.This system consist of a PC send interface, wireless transmitting module, wireless receiving modules and the LED lattice screen part. The interface prepared by VB language is a visual interface, which can realize many functions,such as the input of the display information, the generation of font data, the selection serial ports, the selection of Baud rate and how to transmit data with one key, realized simple human-computer interaction. The machine adopts single-chip microcomputer for a main control chip circuits, display information of the data storage expansion outside 32 K of


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