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学生课绩管理系统的设计与实现 作者姓名: 指导教师: 单位名称: 计算机科学与技术专业名称: 大连东软信息学院 200年月 Design and Implementation of Curriculum and Grade for Student by S Supervisor: Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information Technology June 2009 毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)题目: 设计(论文)的基本内容: 毕业设计(论文)专题部分: 题目:                                  设计或论文专题的基本内容: 学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期              第 1 周 指导教师签字:2008年 月 日 几年前,各个学校的学生成绩管理基本上都是靠手工进行,随着学校的规模增大,有关学生成绩管理工作所涉及的数据量越来越大,有的学校不得不靠增加人力、物力来进行学生成绩管理。但手工管理具有效率底、易出错、检索信息慢、对学校的管理提供决策信息较为困难等缺点。因此,使用效率更高的方式来处理这些数据就更显得重要了。本文就该系统进行分析和整体的介绍,并介绍了使用JSP + SQL SERVER 2000技术开发该系统的相关模块的整个过程。该系统主要利用了JSP强大的网络数据库访问技术,与SQL SERVER 2000的强大的数据库功能来实现主要功能。系统设计并实现了学生选报课程,教师给接受学生所报课程并给学生打分、管理员后台管理的功能。论文主要介绍了本课题的开发背景、系统分析、数据库设计和系统的设计与实现。 关键词: JSPSQL SERVER 2000,课程管理选报课程教师评分 Design and Implementation of for Student Abstract The development of modern Information Technology have brought moderns a new shopping mode, which is kind of Internet Order Platform based on Web technology. Thus, Ticket Dining Reservation System will not only save the airline company’s cost, but also provide better service for the customers. In this article, the author will analyze his involved part of the system and introduce the system wholly. The whole procedure of exploiting the system by employing JSP+SQL SERVER 2000 technology will be introduced. The system’s key functions are implemented by employing JSP’s Internet Database Visiting Technology and SQL SERVER 2000’s Data Base Function. The system designs and realizes the functions including User Logging and Registration, Food Demonstration and Reservation, Flight Tracker and Forum. There are three users in this system,they are Student,Teacher and Admin.The users do management system of classes, courses, credits, such as performance and management of different resources. Student users can modify user information, and view the credits, such as elective operation?. Teachers can take courses in management information, as well as elective courses in student


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