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魔法奇缘英文文本 [Woman] Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, there lived an evil queen. Selfish and cruel, she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, and she would lose her throne forever. And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true loves kiss. [Birds] Giselle, Giselle, how about this for your statue? - Oh, this will be perfect. Thank you. - Youre welcome. Come on! OK, you mookses, move it! We have got a face to put together here while its still ingrained in her subcranium. Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream. We were holding hands and dancing, and... - Oh! - And these for the eyes. Blue? Oh, how did you know? And they sparkle just like his. Mm! OK. There we go. [Gasps] - Yes! Thats it! - [Laughing] OK. Yeah, yeah. - Floors yours, honey. - Presenting my one true love. My prince. My dream come true. - [All gasping] - [Gasps] Oh, my goodness! - Whoa, whoa. What? Whats the problem? - I didnt give him any lips. - [Pip] Ooh! - Does he have to have lips? Of course. When you meet the someone who is meant for you Before two can become one Theres something you must do - Do you pull each others tails? - Do you feed each other seeds? No. There is something sweeter Everybody needs Ive been dreaming of a true loves kiss And a prince Im hoping comes with this Thats what brings Ever-afterings so happy And thats the reason we need lips so much For lips are the only things that touch So to spend - A life of endless bliss - [laughing] Just find who you love Through true loves kiss If were going to find a perfect pair of lips, were going to need a lot more help. [All] Shes been dreaming of a true loves kiss And a prince shes hoping comes with this Thats what brings ever-afterings - So happy - So happy Thats the reason


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