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8A Unit 7 Seasons 教学设计 建湖县宝塔初中 李荣聂 第一课时Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 一、教学分析 教学内容 8A Unit 7 Seasons Comic strip Welcome to the unit(第80~81页),通过两只小狗Eddie和Hobo的对话,引出季节的话题。 教材分析 Comic strip Welcome to the unit板块通过卡通漫画导入本单元的话题“season”,它是以非常逗笑的方式引出了季节的话题。在这一课时中不仅要求学生掌握相关的描写天气的重要词汇,还应让学生掌握两个重要句式:“I bet you’ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on!”和“Which season do you like best?” 学情分析 学生在小学阶段已经对四季的描述进行过初探,本节课最大的特点是贴近学生的生活,容易激发学生的学习兴趣,但由于词汇及句子结构的局限性,需要教师开展各项活动引导学生学会如何用英语表达对四季的喜好态度。 教学项目 词汇:rainy, snowy, bet 词组:look cool, with nothing on 句型:Which season do you like best? Its the best time to play football outside. Which is your favourite season? 课文: Dialogues 教学方法 任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学 教学目标 语言知识 To master the vocabulary about the weather, and describe the weather. 语言技能 To develop their abilities of listening, speaking about the weather. 语言运用 To develop their ability of communication by using the new sentence patterns about weather. 情感态度 To love and enjoy the nature. 学习策略 autonomic learning strategy cooperative learning strategy 教学重点 To master the vocabulary about the weather and describe the weather. 教学难点 To talk about their favourite season and why. 教学用具 Multimedia,tape-recorder,chalk,blackboard, pictures 二、教学过程 时间 教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 教学目的 第1-2分钟 Warming up (Free talk) Having a free talk with students: Whats the weather like today? ② What season is it now? ③ If winter comes,how will you feel? Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 教师通过自由对话调动学生积极性引入本课话题Now winter is coming. Eddie feels very cold too. lets listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo, and then find out the answer. ① What does he want to do? 2.Read the dialogue then answer my question. ① Does Eddie look cool with the clothes? ② Will Eddie really look cool with nothing on? And why? 1. Listen to the tape and answer the question. 2. Read the dialogue and answer two more questions. 通过要求学生带着问题Eddie 和Hobo之间简洁有趣的对话并回答问题训练学生听力能力进一步熟悉了解对话内容。Practice 1. Listen to t


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