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疯狂英语一?百个句型 按照/根据 Accor?ding to Accor?ding to our teach?ers ,we shoul?d pract?ice Engli?sh for at least? 30 minut?es a day. 不断地/一遍又一遍?地 ……again? and again? Why do you make the same mista?ke again? and again? ? 我所想要的? All I want…… All I want is a littl?e peace? and quite?. 除了……,什么都有/并不 ……anyth?ing but … I will eat anyth?ing but pork! 有……吗? Are there? any … Are there? any quest?ions ? 你对……感到满意吗?? Are you satis?fied with …… Are you satis?fied with your curre?nt salar?y ? 就……而言/至于…… As far as…… As far as your tuiti?on goes , I′ll pay it . 尽快…… …… as soon as possi?ble Pleas?e reply? as soon as possi?ble. 刚要/正要…… … be about? to … A: How come you haven?′t calle?d me ? B:I was about? to call you when you calle?d ? 被认为是…… … be regar?d as … She was regar?ded as one of the most promi?sing stude?nts in our class?. 你就不能……吗? Can′t you …… ? Can′t you speak? a littl?e loude?r ? 恭喜/祝贺你……! Congr?atula?tions? on ……! Congr?atula?tions? on your award? ! 你能告诉我?……吗? Could? you tell me ……? Could? you tell me what time it is ? 做点什么/想想办法…… …do somet?hing about?… Can′t you do somet?hing about? the mess ? 你知道……吗? Do you know…? Do you know what happe?ned? 你的意思是?说……? Do you mean …? Do you mean you need me to lend you some money? ? 你想……吗? Do you want to…? Do you want to know why ? 不要……! Don′be…! Don′be silly? ! 每个人都知?道…… Every?body knows?… Every?body knows? the boss has a hot tempe?r. …...有困难/麻烦。 …have troub?le… We′re havin?g troub?le comin?g to an agree?ment on this point?. 你就定好……了吗? Have you decid?ed on … ? Have you decid?ed on where? to go for dinne?r ? 你……了吗? Have you … yet ? Have you made up your mind yet ? 你怎么能……? How can you … ? How can you treat? me like that ? 为什么……? How come … ? How come you never? call me ? 你怎么知道?……? How do you know … ? How do you know my name ? ……怎么样? How is … ? How is your famil?y ? ……最快要多久?? How quick?ly … ? How quick?ly can you get here ? 我真想不出?……? I can′t imagi?ne … ! I can′t imagi?ne who would? do somet?hing like that ? 我不知道…… I don′t know … I don′t know what to


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