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No. 001
Back in my count?ry, when I was a child?, I used to go to “marke?t day” with my mothe?r. One day each week, farme?rs used to ___1_?__ their? fruit? and veget?ables? into the city. They ___2_?__ one stree?t to all cars, and the farme?rs set up table?s for their? ___3_?__. This outdo?or marke?t was a great? place? to ___4_?__. Every?thing? was fresh?er than produ?ce in groce?ry store?s becau?se the farme?rs broug?ht it in ___5_?__ after? the harve?st. My mothe?r and I alway?s got there? early? in the morni?ng to get the ___6_?__ produ?ce.
The outdo?or marke?t was a wonde?rful adven?ture for a small? child?, ___7_?__ was like a festi?val — full of color?s and ___8_?__. There? are red tomat?oes, yello?w lemon?s, green? lettu?ce, peppe?rs, grape?s, onion?s. The farme?rs did their? own ___9_?__. They all shout?ed loudl?y for ___10?___ to buy their? produ?ce. “Come and buy my beaut?iful orang?es! They’re juicy? and delic?ious and full of vitam?ins to ___11?___ your child?ren healt?hy and stron?g!”
Every?one used to ___12?___ with the farme?rs over the ___13?___ of their? produ?ce. It was like a wonde?rful drama? in a theat?re; the buyer?s and selle?rs were the “___14?___” in this drama?. My mothe?r was an ___15?___ at this. First?, she picke?d the fresh?est, most attra?ctive? tomat?oes, for examp?le. Then she asked? the price?. The selle?r told her.
“What?” she said. She looke?d very surpr?ised. “ So ___16?___?”
The selle?r looke?d terri?bly ___17?___. “My dear lady!” he repli?ed. “I’m a poor, ___18?___ farme?r. These? are the cheap?est tomat?oes on the marke?t!”
They alway?s argue?d for sever?al minut?es befor?e agree?ing ___19?___ a price?. My mothe?r took her tomat?oes and left. Both buyer? and selle?r were ___20?___. The drama? was over.
1. A. carry? B. take C. bring? D. fetch?
2. A. opene?d B. close?d C. start?ed D. stopp?ed
3. A. produ?ce B. goods? C. food D. produ?ct
4. A. buy B. sell C. barga?in D. shop
5. A.
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