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影响世界电影的人( people who influenced world movies).doc
影响世界电影的100人(100 people who influenced world movies)
001 Thomas Edison (Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931)
For the development of the film, Im just a little bit technical, and the rest is the credit of others. I hope that you will not only make money with films, but also make some useful contributions to the society.
002 George Eastman (Georg Eastman, 1854-1932)
Without his invention, the birth of the film is clearly unknown.
003 Lumiaier brothers (Auguste Lumiere, 1862-? /Louis Lumiere, 1864-1948)
The Lumiere brothers set up the cameras directly in Paris, the sun, to see that the water of Senna was flowing on the screen.
004 George Merie (George Melies, 1861-1938)
George Merie believes that the film is also a magic, only to play the magic of film magic, the film will be more interesting, there will be more people watching.
005 Tandiraji Govint Bagi (Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, 1870-1944)
Since the birth of film art, Mr. Bagis film company first filmed Indias first feature film, and he was the first filmmaker in India.
006 David Walker Griffith (David Wark Griffith, 1875-1948)
Father of Hollywood, father of American film and Shakespeare of film industry
007 Robert Vinay (Robert Wiene, 1880-1938)
For a work, fertile dirty morass than perhaps the clear pond is more suitable for survival.
008 Robert Flaherty (Robert Flaherty, 1884-1951)
All art is an adventure, and all artists work is ultimately found.. In other words, the hidden truth is clearly presented.
009 Luis Meyer (Louis B.Mayer, 1885-1957)
I would like to kiss on his knees, people can walk on the ground.
010 Friedrich William Shigeru (Friedrich Wilelm Murnau, 1888-1931)
Mao filmed the meanest man in 1924. Some people say that Mao really liberated the camera that was tied up for years in this film.
011 Charles Chaplin (Charlie Chaplin, 1889-1977)
He made an immeasurable contribution to the film of this century.
012 Fritz Lange (Fritz Lang, 1890-1976)
Fritz Lange is a German silent era film master, Germany is the 100 ye
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