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Exerc?ises/ Unit 1/ Band 1
I. Vocab?ulary? and Struc?ture: Choos?e the best answe?r to compl?ete the follo?wing sente?nces.
1. He made a _____? to let all child?ren learn? Engli?sh, but he soon found? it impos?sible? witho?ut an onlin?e cours?e.
A. assig?nment? B. commi?tment? C. disci?pline? D. parti?cipat?ion
2. In their? own eyes, it is rathe?r _____? that the medic?al commu?nity as a whole? still? has littl?e idea about? the cause? of the disea?se.
A. rewar?ding B. deman?ding C. embar?rassi?ng D. requi?ring
3. These? produ?cts are _____? for expor?t, thoug?h a few of them may come into home marke?ts.
A. compl?etely? B. absol?utely? C. essen?tiall?y D. neces?saril?y
4. _____? his siste?r, Jack is quiet? and does not easil?y make frien?ds with other?s.
A. Disli?ke B. Unlik?e C. Alike? D. Likin?g
5. More new _____? will be opene?d up in the futur?e for those? with a unive?rsity? educa?tion.
A. oppor?tunit?ies B. neces?sitie?s C. reali?ties D. proba?bilit?ies
6. Don’t give stude?nts probl?ems they can’t under?stand? as this will only _____? them.
A. embar?rass B. frust?rate C. intim?idate? D. hesit?ate
7. Unlik?e the probl?ems I _____? in high schoo?l, I have few chanc?es to speak? Engli?sh in class? at colle?ge. A. came acros?s B. came about? C. came after? D. came of
8. Only when one is _____?_ of one’s getti?ng behin?d is one more likel?y to catch? up.
A. criti?cal B. aware? C. visua?l D. effec?tive
9. It is bette?r for you to be _____? about? its conse?quenc?es befor?e you take any actio?n.
A. posit?ive B. absol?ute C. criti?cal D. favor?ite
10. As an ideal? _____? to the sprea?d of the disea?se, this medic?ine is now in great? deman?d.
A. barri?er B. commi?tment? C. chall?enge D. acces?s
11. Good habit?s of livin?g have prove?d to be of much _____? to our healt?h.
A. barri?er B. benef?it C.
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