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1994年?考研英语真?题答案详解? Secti?on I: Struc?ture and Vocab?ulary? (20 point?s) Part A (5 point?s) 1. [C] 2. [A] 3. [A] 4. [D] 5. [C] 6. [C] 7. [B] 8. [B] 9. [D] 10. [B] Part B (5 point?s) 11. [D] even 12. [A] obvio?us 13. [B] had come 14. [B] that of the earth? 15. [C] to have been inven?ted 16. [A] Much as 或 Much thoug?h 17. [B] make 18. [A] Unles?s (=if... not) 19. [C] 删去 but 或将 belie?ving 改为 belie?ve 20. [C] a great? inter?est in Part C (10 point?s) 21. [C] 22. [A] 23. [D] 24. [B] 25. [D] 26. [C] 27. [A] 28. [B] 29. [B] 30. [B] 31. [C] 32. [A] 33. [B] 34. [D] 35. [C] 36. [C] 37. [D] 38. [A] 39. [A] 40. [B] Secti?on II: Cloze? Test (10 point?s) Secti?on 1 Use of Engli?sh 文章结构总?体分析 语言中的首?要的以及最?小的单位是?单词。说话时,选词至关重?要。恰当地选词?可以消除交?流障碍,不慎重的词?语会阻碍说?话双方的思?想交流。 全文精译、答案出处及?英汉对照 The first? and small?est unit that can be discu?ssed in relat?ion to langu?age is the word. In speak?ing, the choic?e of words? is 1 the utmos?t impor?tance?. Prope?r selec?tion will elimi?nate one sourc?e of 2 break?down is in the commu?nicat?ion cycle?. Too often?, carel?ess use of words? __3 a meeti?ng of the minds? of the speak?er and liste?ner. The words? used by the speak?er may ___4 unfav?orabl?e react?ions in the liste?ner 5 inter?fere with his compr?ehens?ion; hence?, the trans?missi?on-recep?tion syste?m break?s down. 6__, inacc?urate? or indef?inite? words? may make ___7 diffi?cult for the liste?ner to under?stand? the 8 which? is being? trans?mitte?d to him. The speak?er who does not have speci?fic words? in his worki?ng vocab?ulary? may be 9 to expla?in or descr?ibe in a 10 that can be under?stood? by his liste?ners. 关于语言,首先可以讨?论的最小单?位是单词。 说话的时候?,选词是1至?关重要的。 恰当的选词?可以消除交?流过程中可?能出现的2? 障碍。 通常,不慎重的词?语使用将_?3 阻碍说话者?和听话者之?间的思想交?流。 说话者使用?的词语可能?_5 会引起听者?不愉快的反?应,_4 干扰他的理?解, 因此,“传送—接收”系统出现故?障 _6_。 此外,不准确或不?明确的词语?会使听者_?7 难以理解_?8 正在传递给?他的信息。 说话人的常?用词汇中如?果没有详细?而精确的词?, 9 就不可能用?听话



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