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1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.2.百闻不如一?见 Seein?g is belie?ving.3.比上不足比?下有余 worse? off than some, bette?r off than many; to fall short? of the best, but be bette?r than the worst?.4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparr?ow shoul?d make an early? start?.5.不眠之夜 white? night?6.不以物喜不?以己悲 not pleas?ed by exter?nal gains?, not sadde?ned by perso?nnal losse?s7.不遗余力 spare? no effor?t; go all out; do ones best8.不打不成交? No disco?rd, no conco?rd.9.拆东墙补西?墙 rob Peter? to pay Paul10.辞旧迎新 bid farew?ell to the old and usher? in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new11.大事化小小?事化了 try first? to make their? mista?ke sound? less serio?us and then to reduc?e it to nothi?ng at all12.大开眼界 open ones eyes; broad?en ones horiz?on; be an eye-opene?r13.国泰民安 The count?ry flour?ishes? and peopl?e live in peace?14.过犹不及 going? too far is as bad as not going? far enoug?h; beyon?d is as wrong? as falli?ng short?; too much is as bad as too littl?e15.功夫不负有?心人 Every?thing? comes? to him who waits?.16.好了伤疤忘?了疼 once on shore?, one prays? no more17.好事不出门?恶事传千里? Good news never? goes beyon?d the gate, while? bad news sprea?d far and wide.18.和气生财 Harmo?ny bring?s wealt?h.19.活到老学到?老 One is never? too old to learn?.20.既往不咎 let bygon?es be bygon?es21.金无足赤人?无完人 Gold cant be pure and man cant be perfe?ct.22.金玉满堂 Treas?ures fill the home.23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth?24.脚踩两只船? sit on the fence?25.君子之交淡?如水 the frien?dship? betwe?en gentl?emen is as pure as cryst?al; a hedge? betwe?en keeps? frien?dship? green?26.老生常谈陈?词滥调 cut and dried?, clich?é27.礼尚往来 Court?esy calls? for recip?rocit?y.28.留得青山在?不怕没柴烧? Where? there? is life, there? is hope.29.马到成功 achie?ve immed?iate victo?ry; win insta?nt succe?ss30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealt?h31.茅塞顿开 be sudde?nly enlig?htene?d32.没有规矩不?成方圆 Nothi?ng can be accom?plish?ed witho?ut norms? or stand?ards.33.每逢佳节倍?思亲 On festi?ve occas?ions more than ever one think?s of ones dear ones far away.It is on the festi?val occas?ions when one misse?s his dea
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