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春节 The Sprin?g Festi?val   农历 lunar? calen?dar   正月 lunar? Janua?ry; the first? month? by lunar? calen?dar   除夕 New Year’s Eve; eve of lunar? New Year   初一 the begin?ning of New Year   元宵节 The Lante?rn Festi?val   Custo?ms:  过年 Guo-nian; have the Sprin?g Festi?val   对联 poeti?c coupl?et: two succe?ssive? rhymi?ng lines? in poetr?y   春联 Sprin?g Festi?val coupl?ets   剪纸 paper?-cuts   年画 New Year paint?ings   买年货 speci?al purch?ases for the Sprin?g Festi?val; do Sprin?g Festi?val shopp?ing   敬酒 propo?se a toast?   灯笼 lante?rn: a porta?ble light?   烟花 firew?orks   爆竹 firec?racke?rs (Peopl?e scare? off evil spiri?ts and ghost?s with the loud pop.)  红包 red packe?ts (cash wrapp?ed up in red paper?, symbo?lize fortu?ne and wealt?h in the comin?g year.)  舞狮 lion dance? (The lion is belie?ved to be able to dispe?l evil and bring? good luck.)  舞龙 drago?n dance? (to expec?t good weath?er and good harve?sts)  戏曲 tradi?tiona?l opera?   杂耍 varie?ty show; vaude?ville?   灯谜 riddl?es writt?en on lante?rns   灯会 exhib?it of lante?rns   守岁 stayi?ng-up   拜年 pay New Year’s call; give New Year’s greet?ings; New Year’s visit?   禁忌 taboo?   去晦气 get rid of the ill-fortu?ne   祭祖宗 offer? sacri?fices? to one’s ances?tors   压岁钱 gift money?; money? given? to child?ren as a lunar? New Year gift   Cultu?re Note: In the old days, New Year’s money? was given? in the form of one hundr?ed coppe?r coins? strun?g toget?her on a red strin?g and symbo?lized? the hope that one would? live to be a hundr?ed years? old. Today?, money? is place?d insid?e red envel?opes in denom?inati?ons consi?dered? auspi?cious? and given? to repre?sent luck and wealt?h   辞旧岁 bid farew?ell to the old year   扫房 sprin?g clean?ing; gener?al house?-clean?ing   Bless?ings:   金玉满堂 Treas?ures Fill The Home   生意兴隆 Busin?ess Flour?ishes?   岁岁平安 Peace? All Year Round?   恭喜发财 Wishi?ng You Prosp?erity?   和气生财 Harmo?ny Bring?s Wealt?h   心想事成 May All Your Wishe?s Come True   吉祥如意 Every?thing? Goes Well   国泰平安 The Count?ry Flour?ishes? And Peo


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