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幻灯片5 New Words? Globa?lizat?ion Stren?gthen? Asset? Forum? Acade?mic Earne?st Consi?derab?le Entit?le Vanis?h Facil?itate? At odds with Estab?lishm?ent Outlo?ok Accel?erate? Overt?ake Elsew?here Patri?otic Let alone? Domes?tic Contr?adict?ion 幻灯片6 Globa?lizat?ion Free flows? of capit?al, labor?, techn?ology?, and perso?nal conta?ct acros?s natio?nal bound?ers. 世界贸易的?全球化对中?国来说是双?刃剑,既是机遇,又是挑战。 The globa?lizat?ion of world? trade? is a doubl?e-edged? sword? to China?, offer?ing oppor?tunit?y and posin?g chall?enge at the same time. 幻灯片7 Stren?gthen?: Vi. and Vt. To becom?e stron?ger or make sth. stron?ger stron?g, stren?gth, stren?gthen? 这篇文章呼?吁加强香港?作为国际金?融中心的地?位。 伽利略的观?察加强了他?对太阳中心?说的信念。 The artic?le calls? for stren?gthen?ing the posit?ion of Hong Kong as an inter?natio?nal finan?cial cente?r. Galil?eo’s obser?vatio?ns stren?gthen?ed his belie?f in the theor?y that Earth? and other? plane?ts revol?ve aroun?d the sun. (helio?cenct?ricis?m) 幻灯片8 Asset?: Usu. pl: money? or prope?rty that a perso?n or compa?ny owns An advan?tage or a resou?rce 版权,专利,商标,品牌名字,这些都是一?个公司的无?形资产 Copyr?ights?, paten?ts, trade?marks?, and brand? names? are all a compa?ny’s intan?gible? asset?s. 你有多少资?金? How much do you own in asset?s? 幻灯片9 Forum? A publi?c meeti?ng for open discu?ssion? Provi?de a forum? for excha?nge of views? Natio?nal forum? Inter?natio?nal forum? Beiji?ng Forum? 幻灯片10? Acade?mic: n/adj One who teach?es or does resea?rch at an insti?tutio?n of highe?r learn?ing Conce?rned with study?ing from books?, as oppos?ed to pract?ical work Relat?ing to educa?tion, espec?ially? at colle?ge or unive?rsity? level? 幻灯片11? Acade?mic 大学老师的?生活基本上?比较灵活。 The life of acade?mics is basic?ally flexi?ble. 在任何条件?下都不能无?视学术诚信?。 Under? no condi?tions? can acade?mic hones?ty be ignor?ed. 幻灯片12? Netwo?rk: n/v A syste?m of inter?conne?cted thing?s Meet and talk to peopl?e who may be usefu?l to you in your work 在商业上,和尽可能多?的人结交关?系很重要。 In busin?ess, it is impor?tant to netwo?rk wit


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