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Passa?ge 1
The speak?er, a teach?er from a commu?nity colle?ge, addre?ssed a sympa?theti?c audie?nce. Heads? nodde?d in agree?ment when he said, “High schoo?l Engli?sh teach?ers are not doing? their? jobs.” He descr?ibed the inade?quaci?es of his stude?nts, all high schoo?l gradu?ates who can use langu?age only at a grade? 9 level?. I was unabl?e to deter?mine from his answe?rs to my quest?ions how this grade? 9 level? had been estab?lishe?d.
My topic? is not stand?ards nor its decli?ne. What the speak?er was reall?y sayin?g is that he is no longe?r young?; he has been teach?ing for sixte?en years?, and is able to think? and speak? like a matur?e adult?.
My point? is that the frequ?ent compl?aint of one gener?ation? about? the one immed?iatel?y follo?wing it is inevi?table?. It is also human? natur?e to look for the reaso?ns for our dissa?tisfa?ction?. Befor?e Engli?sh becam?e a schoo?l subje?ct in the late ninet?eenth? centu?ry, it was diffi?cult to find the targe?t of the blame? for langu?age defic?ienci?es (缺陷). But since? then, Engli?sh teach?ers have been under? const?ant attac?k.
The compl?ainer?s think? they have hit upon an origi?nal idea. As their? own comma?nd of the langu?age impro?ves, they notic?e that young? peopl?e do not have this same abili?ty. Unawa?re that their? own abili?ty has devel?oped throu?gh the years?, they assum?e the new gener?ation? of young? peopl?e must be hopel?ess in this respe?ct. To the eyes and ears of sensi?tive adult?s the langu?age of the young? alway?s seems? inade?quate?.
Since? this conce?rn about? the decli?ne and fall of the Engli?sh langu?age is not perce?ived as gener?ation?al pheno?menon? but rathe?r as somet?hing new and pecul?iar to today?’s young? peopl?e, it natur?ally follo?ws that today?’s Engli?sh teach?ers canno?t be doing? their? jobs. Other?wise, young? peopl?e would? not commi?t offen?ses again?st the langu?age.
1.The speak?er the autho?r menti?oned in the passa?ge belie?ved that _____?___.
the langu?a
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