使用sql server存储过程实现银行转账业务(Using SQL server stored procedure to implement bank transfer service).doc
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使用sql server存储过程实现银行转账业务(Using SQL server stored procedure to implement bank transfer service).doc
使用sql server存储过程实现银行转账业务(Using SQL server stored procedure to implement bank transfer service)
Using SQL SERVER stored procedures to implement bank transfer services
2009-04-30 12:10:11| classification: | report | name subscription operation framework
In the banking and financial system, we often have to realize such bank transfer operations, and the financial system concurrency is quite high, the need to consider how to improve the performance and ensure safety and other related issues. Using stored procedures to implement bank transfers is a good choice.
The stored procedures in the SQL SERVER database deal with the advantages and disadvantages of the Transact-SQL language relative to the application:
1. the stored procedure has been registered on the server, precompiled, stored procedures pre compiled, placed in the database, and reduced the time taken to compile the statement
2. stored procedures can be used to reduce network traffic, the stored procedure code stored directly in the database, when the execution of the application only need to transfer parameters, without the need for a T-SQL code transfer to the database.
3. high reusability, a storage process that can be invoked at different locations in your application.
4. high maintainability, the operation of the entire business package together to do code replacement operation and application in the days after the continuous maintenance, will lead to the TrancSQL procedure code will become more and more complex, at the same time, the update stored procedure is usually easier to update the application, the procedure should be updated you need to compile, deploy.
5. use caching to improve performance, and the compiled stored procedure goes directly into the SQL SERVER cache, enabling immediate invocation at the next execution. In SQL SERVER 2005, the execution plan has been cached for all T-SQL batches, and the efficiency and storage process is almost the same.
6. enforce the security authenticati
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