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Trigeminal nerve –ophthalmic N Trigeminal nerve –ophthalmic N superior orbital fissure Lacrimal nerve to lacrimal gland. Frontal nerve to forehead Nasociliary nerve to eyeball, part of nasal cavity, and skin of dorsum of nose from root to top. Trigeminal nerve –maxillary N foramen rotundum pterygopalatine fossa inferior orbital fissure, sulcus, canal and foramen to part of nasal cavity, maxilla, upper teeth, and skin between eye and mouth Lingual nerve to anterior 2/3 of tongue Inferior alveolar nerve to mandible, lower teeth, and chin Buccal nerve to cheek Auriculotemporal nerve to parotid gland and temporal region SVM fibers supply muscles of mastication, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tempani, etc. Mandibular n. tensor tympani M Anterior belly of digastric M Sensory fibers of CN V Ⅶ Facial nerve in the temporal bone and main branches and distribution Mixed (SVM, GVM, SVS) Pons → internal acoustic meatus→canal of facial nerve→stylomastoid foramen parotid gland SVM fibers supply muscles of facial expression stapedius GVM fibers synapse in pterygo-palatine ganglion to supply lacrimal gland; in submandibular ganglion submandibular sublingual gland SVS fibers receive taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue Ⅶ Facial nerve facial n in the internal auditory meatus facial n in the internal auditory meatus, canal, through the stylomastioid foramen Ⅶ Facial nerve distributes to expression muscles Ⅶ Facial nerve distributes to mucous of tongue taste CN Ⅶ distributes to submandibular gland and sublingual gland through the submadibular ganglion (Ⅸ) glossopharyngeal n. Mixed; medulla; jugular foramen GVS fibers to carotid sinus and body, oropharynx, and posterior 1/3 of tongue SVS fibers receive taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue SVM fibers supply stylopharyngeus GVM fibers synapse in otic ganglion to supply the parotid gland (Ⅸ)glossopharyngeal n.distributes to pharyngeal muscle, parotid salivary gland (Ⅸ) distributes to carotid body


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