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教学内容 什么是幸福呢? 对于孩子来说,有吃有玩就是幸福的。 对于父母来说,孩子健康快乐就是幸福的。 对于恋人来说,有爱就是幸福的。 什么是幸福呢? 对于海伦·凯勒来说,能看见这个世界就是幸福的。  对于斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金来说,能行走就是幸福的。   什么是幸福呢? 对于你来说呢? 什么是幸福呢? 对于此刻的我来说,没有比躺在烈日下的沙滩上更美的事儿了。 英语表达这里找! M: Oh, I hate this rain. W: Me too! But I also hate it when it’s too hot or too cloudy. M: Oh, I love the heat! There’s nothing better than lying on the beach in the hot sun. 节选自《高中英语听力强化训练》试题1 金句 1. There’s nothing better than lying on the beach in the hot sun. 没有比躺在烈日下的沙滩上更美的事儿了。 ★没有什么比在大热天吃个冰淇淋更美的事儿了。 ___________________________________________________ There’s nothing better than eating an ice cream on a hot day. ★她最喜欢的莫过于在沙滩上散步了。 ____________________________________________________ She likes nothing better than a nice walk along the beach. ★他最喜欢的莫过于和好朋友们泡在一块儿了。 _____________________________________________________ He loves / enjoys nothing better than hanging around with his good friends. 金句 1. There’s nothing better than lying on the beach in the hot sun. 没有比躺在烈日下的沙滩上更美的事儿了。 ★没有什么比在大热天吃个冰淇淋更美的事儿了。 ___________________________________________________ There’s nothing better than eating an ice cream on a hot day. ★她最喜欢的莫过于在沙滩上散步了。 ____________________________________________________ She likes nothing better than a nice walk along the beach. ★他最喜欢的莫过于和好朋友们泡在一块儿了。 _____________________________________________________ He loves / enjoys nothing better than hanging around with his good friends. 浙江高考:读后续写(2017.6) 骑车结伴去旅行,朋友修车停路边; 独自前行路遇狼,赶狼未果求路人。 There is nothing better than getting others’ help when meeting a wolf in the wild. 没有比在野外遇上狼时能获得别人帮助更好的事了。 没有比在野外遇到狼更糟糕的事了。 There is nothing worse than encountering a wolf in the wild. 金句 For Helen Keller, there is nothing better than being able to see the world. 实 战 演 练 大显身手 翻译:对于海伦·凯勒来说,没有比能看见这个世界更幸 福的事儿了。 1. There’s nothing better than lying on the beach in the hot sun. 没有比躺在烈日下的沙滩上更美的事儿了。 语音指导 1. There’s nothing better than lying on the beach in the hot sun. There’s nothing better than eati


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